bli77 Member


  • Gender: F • Age: 36 • Starting weight: Highest 165 • Current weight: 150 • Goal weight: 140 • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) Lose. To feel good about myself when I look in the mirror. Be strong and healthy as I age. • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with…
  • Great blog! Congrats on all the running success! I, myself started running seriously 1 year ago and I can't stop! Love it!! Just like you said, can't explain why I love it except for the self satisfaction and the runner's high I get after competing in races. Keep on running!
  • Hi everyone! I'm new to 30DS. Just did L1D1 yday. Loved it but damn even w 3lbs weights shoulder press/lunges hurt! I'm currently training for a 1/2 marathon and also do stronglifts w my hubby every other day. Just looking for another workout to keep me off my couch :oP What's your success w 30ds?
  • Hi thanks for offering tips and advice! My question is about sugar in my diet. I get most of my sugar from fruits and dairy in my diet, should I limit these to lose the last 10 lbs and drop 2% BF? I usually eat a banana each day (I know they are high in sugar but I love them) and another serving of fruit and usually 2…
  • Hi you can definitely come to love running. I started running about a year ago much like you because I so wanted to feel the love of running everyone talks about. When I started, I downloaded training programs to learn to run from the internet but still didnt love it Lately though i think ive experienced that turning point…
  • Omg your post is hilarious! Thanks for making me laugh!
    in Dear Doritos Comment by bli77 June 2012
  • Wow! I keep reading your success story over and over because I'm so impressed and jealous of your new body! Since reading your post, I checked out strong but can't understand how you adjusted to program for your individual strength. I consider myself pretty strong however I've still got body fat to lose and have…
  • I'm in too! I have more than 10 lbs to go, but I'm setting a goal to lose 10 by July 1st. Starting to do cardio in the morning to kick start the plan. Good luck!
  • Hi! I too just joined the site 2 days ago! I love it! It's so easy to count calories and I actually look forward to it...only so I know if I can eat more! Good luck on meeting your goal!
    in Hello Comment by bli77 May 2008
  • I too would have a carb fest! I absolutely LOVE pasta! I would start off with garlic bread and lot and lots of cheese. Next would be pasta with chicken in a rose sauce. I may even have to throw in a slize of pizza cuz I couldn't leave this earth without zza. Then I'd finish off with a big piece of cheesecake. Oh what it's…