ABL0930 Member


  • I actually have the opposite issue - I *wish* I was curvy like that - the only part of my that's curvy is my belly sticking out... But seriously - i would think that the vanity sizing would go the opposite way. They would want to make people feel like they are wearing a SMALLER size, not a bigger one. Weird. Goes to show…
  • I was just about to give the same advice as Adrian - drink a lot of water! I also agree on continuing to do exercise and be sure to do full stretches afterwards - that's when you really get the benefit. I think the yoga position downward dog (google it) is a great one for calf stretches.
  • Thanks for all the insight! I love that it's *good* to go off plan for a few days here and there! It works mentally and physically for me, you know? I do think the sodium aspect is a possibilty for part of it too, since I was eating at a resort buffet and really have no idea what was in some of those things.
  • Pilates! There's so much more to working your "core" than crunches. My sister did this consistently for her wedding, and had NEVER looked fitter!
  • Welcome! Tell us about yourself - where you're from, your family - whatever you like!
    in I'm New :) Comment by ABL0930 June 2011
  • W-O-W! So much happier, healthier and younger - are you sure that isn't a sister or mother in the other pic? (Just kidding!) Hope the OP will come back and share her weight loss journey with the rest of us!
  • All the other ladies have given you lots of good resources and ideas... I'll just add that PCOS is really an endocrine issue and needs to be managed by an *experienced* endocrinologist. In most cases this will be a reproductive endocrinologist (RE) even if you're not trying to get pregnant. I agree with the others that…
  • Definitely great to use the app on your phone - I do too! I find a couple of the hardest things with kids (and I have 3) is eating their leftovers and also standing up and eating so I can easily get whatever is needed. Both bad habits! Plan plan plan! As your child gets older, it will be easier to eat the same things, and…
  • Congratulations! Sounds like you have a great attitude about yourself and a healthy lifestyle you can maintain. Enjoy your life!
  • Fruits and vegs are super important, but for most of us, we have to limit the higher sugar ones! Try having a half an apple or banana with a tablespoon of PB or a cheese stick - more balanced snack. Also try berries - they're lower.
  • Great thread!!! Lady Oracle by Margaret Atwood - love love love this one! http://tinyurl.com/3kd772q I'm Not the New Me by Wendy McClure (http://www.imnotthenewme.com/) The best best thing about this are the vintage weight watcher recipe cards and her commentary - I nearly peed myself laughing!!!
  • My quads are sore!
  • Welcome - good for you for taking the first step. I started at 230, am now 216. For me, saying I have to lose 100 lbs is way too overwhelming. I have to break it down and look at smaller goals. First - find a good exercise schedule for yourself and make it a top priority. I have turned down concerts, parties, etc....…
  • I'm so glad I found this thread! I started this yesterday with my sister. Would love to follow along with you guys. I was actually hoping to ask if any had any ideas on what to use for exercise calculations on this? Maybe Aerobics? Is there any way to suggest to Fitness Pal to add in the Shred? SW: 230 CW: 216 weight loss:…