30 day shred starting 3rd June



  • I started it on Tuesday.... I love it! Gotta keep it going....Jillian really keeps you motivated thru the whole video.
  • mbastian
    mbastian Posts: 16
    I'm in. I just bought this today! Are you going to start a thread for check- in every few days?
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    I'm going to go buy it today! Am hoping Target or Best Buy has it!!
  • All right, count me in too. I've tried 30DS in the past but didn't stick with it, but I did it again earlier this week and really felt it (especially in my legs). Hopefully I'll be able to stick with it this time!
  • ooo im just starting this today also so count me in! :-)
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
  • kiki_ac
    kiki_ac Posts: 49 Member
    I wanted to join a 30 DS challenge a couple of months ago but i had already joined a challenge. I am so glad i found this one in time! Count me in!

    I'm ready for accountability on the 30DS.



    progress update soon and Good training all!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Day 1 completed yesterday! I am feeling it most in my arms...I thought that the push ups would be the hardest thing for me but it turns out those side lunges with the front raise REALLY did me in!!! That was something I've never seen or done before and it was painful lol.

    I'm going to Day 2 later! Oooohhhh the pain, but I will push through it and try my absolutely best to do every single rep.

    Keep up the good work everyone! I love reading everyone's updates. It keeps me motivated even with the pain :smile:
  • ABL0930
    ABL0930 Posts: 16 Member
    My quads are sore!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I just got mine from Netflix today - I'm actually going to start Sunday because I have a 4M race tomorrow, and my regular weight class - don't think I can add Jillian on top of all that :-)
  • cesctheman
    cesctheman Posts: 139 Member
    Well done to everyone completing there day. I just finished my first day and my arms ache and are a bit heavy and shaky. But I'm ready for day 2. 29 days to go
  • MFP1984
    MFP1984 Posts: 48 Member
  • Great job everyone! It seems everyone has the same pains...lol

    Day 1 complete...like everyone else, my arms hurt!! The side lunges were horrible..lol The cross crunches at the end were so hard to do for me. I like that she talks during the video..not to hate or anything, really wished she had some bigger people in the video experiencing the work out too. I kindof felt alone BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I know I have you guys :) It's going to be a rough 30 days though!!
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    My armpits are sore and my triceps too! I have no upper body strength so there you go!
    Cardio seemed fairly easy but I'm a runner so am glad I have that going for me!
    Good job on everyone's first day! Hope this works and we all lose inches/get stronger!! :happy:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Day 2 done :drinker: (water)

    I agree those damn side lunges with the arm raises are a KILLER!!!
    I wish there was more cardio and ab work- I'm guessing Level 2 and 3 have more ab stuff though. I probably wish for more of that because those are the exercises I'm good at though!!!! My arms are NOT my strongest asset- yet!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Alright I'll be brave and be the first to post pics and measurements

    chest: 37
    under chest:32
    belly button:35
    biggest part of belly:36
  • cesctheman
    cesctheman Posts: 139 Member
    Ok I done day 2 earlier and my legs and arms were sore but after a few hours the pain has eased off.
    I shall be uploading my pictures and measurements later or Tom .
    Keep up the goodwork everyone.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Day 2 done :drinker: (water)

    I agree those damn side lunges with the arm raises are a KILLER!!!
    I wish there was more cardio and ab work- I'm guessing Level 2 and 3 have more ab stuff though. I probably wish for more of that because those are the exercises I'm good at though!!!! My arms are NOT my strongest asset- yet!

    def a bit more cardio in week 2 and 3, but a lot harder too! lol. it does get easier.
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    Done with Day 2! Triceps are killing me!!
    Here are my Before 30 Day Shred Measurements...
    Waist 32"
    Hips 39"
    Height 4'10"

    Keep at it Shredder Friends!! :happy:
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Downloaded it from Itunes today.
    Starting it tomorrow (Sunday) . I'm terrified! :) in a good way
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