30 day shred starting 3rd June



  • allibawtez
    allibawtez Posts: 47
    I started Friday as well, so count me in!! Good luck to everyone!!
  • allibawtez
    allibawtez Posts: 47
    I have also been alternating between 3 and 5 pounds weight. Well...mainly switching to the 3 pound weights for those friggin side lunges. I'm about to start day 3 here in a few minutes, so hopefully they will be a little easier today! Hang in there everyone!!
  • bvannetten
    bvannetten Posts: 20 Member
    Im in, starting tomorrow!!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    cesctheman - i found this thread that teaches you how to post pictures...I've never posted one on the forums before, so I don't know if it's right but you can check it out!

    JessicaStewart31 - You are not disappointing or letting down ANYONE! The workout is a pretty tough one so I feel ya on the pain...I hope you stick with it and not give up just because you missed a day! Keep at it! It will get easier after a while.

    As for me, I just finished Day 4! The workout is getting a bit easier but its afterwards that I feel the pain. Just gotta tough it out and keep on truckin'! I keep repeating to myself that it's only 25 mins and it will go by fast haha.

    Keep it up everyone!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Just finished L1, Day 3 and boy do my thighs hurt. My arms also hurt, but those side lunges kill!!! I have bad knees so even the front lunges hurt. I modify, but I'm getting through it.

    I found I had no trouble doing the cardio in Circuit 3. That is generally easier than Circuit 1 anyway, but tonight I just floated through the final cardio interval.

    Does anyone else have knees issues while doing this?
  • mbeltran06
    mbeltran06 Posts: 57
    Hello fellow shredders,

    Hope all is going well with you guys....I did day 3 L1 today and I must say the side lunges with arm raises are KILLER!! I can barely raise my arms to wash my hair right now :D But I do have a question, is anyone else have knee troubles mainly with the lunges? My knees feel strained even when I do the modified version of the lunges?? Also how many days are you guys staying on L1? I watched L2 today and I don't think I'll ever be ready for that haha!!!
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    :smile: Day 3 L1 complete! Pushups are a tiny bit easier! Right calf really sore. Using stick massager on it.
    Just Breathe...good idea about switching out 3 and 5 lb. weights! May try it tomorrow! My arms are still
    Everybody is doing great! Keep up the good work....we are all getting STRONG!!!!!
  • mbastian
    mbastian Posts: 16
    Day 3 done. It's getting a little easier each day. I can walk this evening without feeling each ache and pain in my legs! Let's keep it going everyone! Only 27 more days to go :wink:

  • cesctheman
    cesctheman Posts: 139 Member
    Im not keen on watching level 2, my wife asked to watch a bit last night but I want to keep it as a surprise .
  • sahjeh
    sahjeh Posts: 9
    Count me in!!! I'm getting started back today with it & am on level 3. I love this exercise video!!
  • sahjeh
    sahjeh Posts: 9
    Ok so I just finished day 1!! I've just restarted at the 3rd level. It kicks my butt!!!

    Is anyone doing this for 30 days straight? I think I'm going to try this but I'm a bit intimidate by it
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    calves hurt today- which is weird because my calves are my most toned body part and never hurt after working out- but they are feeling it today!!!

    Its definitely getting easier- but thise damn side lunges are still killing me- the only exercise that I actually don't finish!
  • mbeltran06
    mbeltran06 Posts: 57
    I am doing it 30 days straight....but I started on L1...you are brave to start on L3...but good luck!!
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    I'm with you on the calf pain! I'm icing my right calf as I'm typing this. My legs are pretty strong from my running but I guess Jillian found a few of my weak muscles in there!!
    Hang in there!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Just did day 1 Level 1 OMG I didn't think I was going to be sweating like this! WOW feel great!!!
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Hey guys... Sorry I have not been posting my progress. The weekends are just so busy at home and didn't get a chance. I did Day 2 on Saturday, but had a really bad migraine on Sunday so didn't shred. I got up this morning and did Day 3.

    I love hearing everyone's progress and things they are dealing with.

    Yes... my knees hurt. I think maybe because I am doing the modified push up on my carpet and not using a mat. I will try that tomorrow morning.

    Yes... the side lunge and raising the weights are KILLER. I can never do them all. Especially because they are in Circuit 3.

    JustBreathe418- I am using 5 pound weights for the dumb bell rows and chest flys, but 3 pound weights for most of the other moves. Hopefully I can build up and do more exercises with the 5 pounders as we go along.

    JessicaStewart31- It is ok that you missed a day, but be sure to get back on track and do it today (Monday). What pound weights are you using?

    Have a great day!

    Amy :smile:
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    I just bought the DVD yesterday, so I'm a little late joining the challenge, but... I'm in. I did day 1 today. At first I thought.... how hard can this be... it's only 20 minutes. But... dang... I had a hard time completing all the activities.... some because I was watching to see what they were doing, but... others because I just couldn't keep up. I didn't think it would be this hard. But... I'm determined to keep with it!!!!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    I just bought the DVD yesterday, so I'm a little late joining the challenge, but... I'm in. I did day 1 today. At first I thought.... how hard can this be... it's only 20 minutes. But... dang... I had a hard time completing all the activities.... some because I was watching to see what they were doing, but... others because I just couldn't keep up. I didn't think it would be this hard. But... I'm determined to keep with it!!!!

    I thought the same thing,I watched it before I did the workout and thought Oh this is going to be ok....1/2 way through I was sweating and huffing and puffing lol my arms and legs are like jello! I think I am going to put my own music do the workout tomorrow.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    I just bought the DVD yesterday, so I'm a little late joining the challenge, but... I'm in. I did day 1 today. At first I thought.... how hard can this be... it's only 20 minutes. But... dang... I had a hard time completing all the activities.... some because I was watching to see what they were doing, but... others because I just couldn't keep up. I didn't think it would be this hard. But... I'm determined to keep with it!!!!

    I thought the same thing,I watched it before I did the workout and thought Oh this is going to be ok....1/2 way through I was sweating and huffing and puffing lol my arms and legs are like jello! I think I am going to put my own music do the workout tomorrow.
  • iiliiPhoenixiilii
    Hey there!

    @ak - I am definately going to keep on it..going back to it tonight. I am using 5lb weights. ((That's the lowest weights I have.)) You?