30 day shred starting 3rd June



  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    Day 5 level 1 done!! Tried using 5 lbs weights for circuit one and good golly that about killed me!! Can use them for circuit 2 no problemo though! Go figure! Well we are 1/6th of the way through!!! Woo Hoo!!!
    Keep it up my shredders!!! We are gonna be one BUFF group!! :happy:
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Day 6 on L1 completed! So not quite sure what happened but afterwards I felt some pain on both of my outer thigh muscles. Just something doesn't feel right...I hope I didn't pull a muscle(s) or anything...I'll have to see how it feels tomorrow. Maybe some extra stretching throughout the day will help with it. Crossing my fingers it's nothing serious!

    Keep it up everyone!
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Hey guys... Sorry I have not been posting my progress. The weekends are just so busy at home and didn't get a chance. I did Day 2 on Saturday, but had a really bad migraine on Sunday so didn't shred. I got up this morning and did Day 3.

    I love hearing everyone's progress and things they are dealing with.

    Yes... my knees hurt. I think maybe because I am doing the modified push up on my carpet and not using a mat. I will try that tomorrow morning.

    Yes... the side lunge and raising the weights are KILLER. I can never do them all. Especially because they are in Circuit 3.

    JustBreathe418- I am using 5 pound weights for the dumb bell rows and chest flys, but 3 pound weights for most of the other moves. Hopefully I can build up and do more exercises with the 5 pounders as we go along.

    JessicaStewart31- It is ok that you missed a day, but be sure to get back on track and do it today (Monday). What pound weights are you using?

    Have a great day!

    Amy :smile:

    I have VERY hard tile and my mat is just not enough for my modified pushups. I found a regular bath towel rolled up at the end of my mat works as a great knee pad AND neck pillow to get myself properly aligned for the ab portions.
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Hey guys... Sorry I have not been posting my progress. The weekends are just so busy at home and didn't get a chance. I did Day 2 on Saturday, but had a really bad migraine on Sunday so didn't shred. I got up this morning and did Day 3.

    I love hearing everyone's progress and things they are dealing with.

    Yes... my knees hurt. I think maybe because I am doing the modified push up on my carpet and not using a mat. I will try that tomorrow morning.

    Yes... the side lunge and raising the weights are KILLER. I can never do them all. Especially because they are in Circuit 3.

    JustBreathe418- I am using 5 pound weights for the dumb bell rows and chest flys, but 3 pound weights for most of the other moves. Hopefully I can build up and do more exercises with the 5 pounders as we go along.

    JessicaStewart31- It is ok that you missed a day, but be sure to get back on track and do it today (Monday). What pound weights are you using?

    Have a great day!

    Amy :smile:

    I have VERY hard tile and my mat is just not enough for my modified pushups. I found a regular bath towel rolled up at the end of my mat works as a great knee pad AND neck pillow to get myself properly aligned for the ab portions.

    Great idea... I have a hard time with the form on the abs too.
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Day 5 complete! For some reason I had a really tough time today... hopefully I will have more energy tomorrow!
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Im a day behind most of you, Day 4, L1 done. Good news though: I'm not nearly as sore as I was after Day 1 and Day 2. But even better than that? I actually did ALL the reps except I paused a couple times during the bicycle crunches. I'm also still doing modified push ups, but I am pretty stoked that I have improved in just four 30DS workouts.

    question: how much do the rest of you huff and puff after the cardio? I quit smoking 7 months ago after a 30 year pack a day habit, so I'm not sure if my very heavy breathing is because of that or if it's pretty normal. I do 30-40 minutes on the elliptical every day and I don't lose my breath at all.
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    I huff and puff and I'm a runner!! I think that means our heart rate is up in that fat burning zone!!!
    Yeah us!!!! :bigsmile:
    Am going to do my day 6 pretty soon! Will post when I am done!
  • mbeltran06
    mbeltran06 Posts: 57
    Day 6 L2 completed this morning.....worked up quite a sweat and my arms and shoulders are KILLING me!!! But then again that is my weakest area besides my "abs"...I'm pretty sure my ab muscles are nonexistant :D

    @sculptandtone....I quit smoking 6 months ago and I every once in a while I'll get out of breath and "smoker's cough" I read that it takes about a year for your lungs to readjust to being "normal"....hope that helps!!!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Day 3 Level 1 done! Burned 237 calories...thinking about taking a walk when it cools down!I put Jillian on mute and put my own music on,makes the time go by much faster and I also seem to do better in all the exersises I could do more reps
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    Day 6 L1 complete! Used 5 lb. weights for most except for side lunges. Felt the burn just from the heavier weights but it was a good feeling. May try level 2 in a day or 2 if I'm brave enough!!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Day 7 of L1 completed! It's weird because I think on Day 4 I started feeling less sore but yesterday and today I felt the soreness again! Not really sure why....it could be because its getting easier now so I'm able to step up the intensity with the reps.

    I think I'll be going to L2 in a few days!!! Very scary...I've already taken a peek at the workout. Big mistake haha. It definitely is going to be MUCH MUCH harder and I just might die the first few days...we'll see!

    I think tomorrow I'm going to use 5 lb weights for all the strength training. Right now I am using 3lbs for the squat and overhead presses and for the side lunges+front raises. I think I'm ready to upped those to 5 lbs too! We'll see how it goes :)

  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    How badly would it screw things up if I started tomorrow? I just bought mine today at WalMart along with some 5 & 3lb dumbbells. Funny, I don't >feel< like I look like 19-20% body fat... I'm hoping 30DS will change that.
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Finished D7, L1. It is getting easier.

    Although I'm tempted to start L2, I think I'm going to follow the suggestions made by Jillian and do L1 for 10 days. I don't want to run the risk of injury first off and next I think the big thing for me personally is sticking to it entirely since that's so different from what I used to do in my "other" life.

    Still modifying or following the beginner version for the lunges (in an effort to spare my knees). :)
  • sunnikim
    sunnikim Posts: 30
    I completed D6, L1 last night and I must say, it's the first day that I struggled with energy. I was tired in general, but forced myself to do it last night and I had to take quite a few breaks. I'm hoping tonight's workout goes better.

    Other than that, after almost a week I can already feel/see a difference. My clothes fit a bit better around my waist and believe it or not, I notice my posture has improved a bit. This gives me hope and absolute motivation to continue. If I'm feeling this way after 6 days, I know I will benefit greatly from a full 30 days!
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    No worries about just starting now...we are all here to support! Let us know how your first day went!!
  • mbeltran06
    mbeltran06 Posts: 57
    Day 7 L2 is DONE!! I can't believe it's actually been a week and that I've stuck to it and have done it EVERY day!! I'm extremely proud of myself as well as my fellow shredders....let's keep up the good work guys!!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I DID IT!!! I did the whole L1 workout without stopping once (although i did switch to 3lb weights for those side lunge arm lifts in circuit 3). So stoked- and not sore at all!!! Considering moving to L2- I'm a bit afraid though.
    I am definitely going to try the mute button with my own music on trick- I don't mind Jillian, but I need some tunes!!!!!!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    L1, D1 down :D Polar FT7 HRM read 238 calories burned.

    I got stuck using the 5lb dumbbells since my 10 & 6 year olds decided to join me and my fitter, more active 6 year old was going to throw a fit if he didn't get to use the 3lb ones! (I mostly invited the boys because my oldest is mildly autistic and he's not naturally active like the other.) My 15mo old made the ab-work quite interesting with a big open mouthed baby kiss on every "up".

    I'm embarrassed to say my jumping jacks are modified so the bottom half of me is doing butt-kicks because after 3 v-births, I can't do the regular ones unless I'm sporting a pad. (yes, I've spoken with my OB, she says I'm in awesome shape estrogen-marker-wise for having nursed for a whole year). *sigh* Someday I'll be able to do them regular.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I'm embarrassed to say my jumping jacks are modified so the bottom half of me is doing butt-kicks because after 3 v-births, I can't do the regular ones unless I'm sporting a pad. (yes, I've spoken with my OB, she says I'm in awesome shape estrogen-marker-wise for having nursed for a whole year). *sigh* Someday I'll be able to do them regular.

    OMG!!!!! I thought I was the only one who had to wear some "protective gear" down there while doing jumping jacks!!!!
  • kiki_ac
    kiki_ac Posts: 49 Member
    I am sooo excited for all of you! Week 1, day 7, completed! For those of us who have given it our all for each workout, doesn't matter if we needed a break, I am so proud! I even got up by 6:45am this morning just so I wouldn't have to give my self a chance to skip a workout.

    Like some of you, i am wanting to increase my hand weights to 5 pounds but i don't want to make the expense. I will save my money and find a way to use my resistance bands. I am still on Level 1 for a few more workout until i am comfortable enough to complete the full workout with intensity throughout.


    Keep up the good work!