30 day shred starting 3rd June



  • @Justbreathe - Thank you so much for that...you and ak both..I really needed it. I will be going back to it hardcore tonight so thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Wow, I just started today, and like other people have said, I didn't think 20 minutes could be that tough.... wow, I had to take a break after the first circuit to turn on the fan and get a sweatband for my hair cause I was dripping. But with a workout like that, I can see how she can promise dramatic results. I need to get some smaller weights for those side lunges, though - I have 5 lb dumbells, and could not do them, at least not in good form. I also need to take my measurements because I'm curious to see how much will change over 30 days.
  • sunnikim
    sunnikim Posts: 30
    I started 30DS on Friday as well and am loving it! It's a tough 20 minute workout for sure. I can already feel a difference, just 3 days in. When does everyone intend to go to level 2? I figured I would give it a good week, maybe a week & a half before I go to level 2. I tried it once before & like many, didn't stick it out. But this time WILL be different, I'm determined! :)
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    Just finished L1, Day 3 and boy do my thighs hurt. My arms also hurt, but those side lunges kill!!! I have bad knees so even the front lunges hurt. I modify, but I'm getting through it.

    I found I had no trouble doing the cardio in Circuit 3. That is generally easier than Circuit 1 anyway, but tonight I just floated through the final cardio interval.

    Does anyone else have knees issues while doing this?

    Yes! I suffer from Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome in both knees where they are not straight and the knee caps rub. I used to avoid squats and lunges but wanted to do the whole dvd. I have found since changing my form by doing it as she suggests (don't let the knee go over the foot and stick you bum out) it hurts less and now I can actually do them. :)

    And for anyone who has painful quads and calf muscles, I found stretching them like in the cool down section a couple of times a hour helps. This does wear off by day 5 though so don't let it stop you.
  • mbastian
    mbastian Posts: 16
    Hi all!
    Congratulations to everyone who have been here since June 3rd or joined up since! It's great to know I am not alone with my struggles, sweat, and sore muscles. For those just starting, I am excited to say I just finished day 4 and the sore muscles do subside. I am not nearly as sore as the first 3 days. Just stick it out! It does get better.

    Happy Monday Shred everyone!
  • cesctheman
    cesctheman Posts: 139 Member
    Finished day 4 today and my muscles are starting to adapt not as sore as last 3 days, which is good. But I hate push ups I'm rubbish at them...lol
    Well done everyone keep it up
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    Day nine complete. It isn't a challenge anymore (except push ups which I still can't do). I'm dreaded Level Two in two days! Can't I stick with Level One forever! :(:wink:
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    @Justbreathe - Thank you so much for that...you and ak both..I really needed it. I will be going back to it hardcore tonight so thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!

    I am using 3 pound weights for most moves, but I have 5 pounders for the dumb bell rows and the chest flys. I have no idea how you are doing all moves with the 5's. I would be dying!! I still can't do all of the side lunges and arm raises even with the 3 pounders (I have done the video a total of about 10 times, but am just now starting to do it consistantly).

    I promise you I will be needing some support as well. For me a lot of weight loss/working out (and a lot of other things in life too) is mental. If I somehow give myself an excuse not to do it, then I won't. I really want to accomplish doing this for 30 days (I actually gave myself until July 9th to complete all 30 workouts... so a total of 39 days). Just in case things happen here or there (out of town and really can't do it) I don't get so discouraged that I don't get back to it the next day.
  • mbeltran06
    mbeltran06 Posts: 57
    Day 4 L1 complete...I'm definitely not as sore as I have been the last 3 days but those dang side lunges and arm raises are still killing me!!! I am not going to move to L2 until I can complete all the exercise without stopping. The only modified exercise I do is the pushups other than that I follow the "advanced" girl. Keep up the good work everyone!!!!!
  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    Day 4 done! I upped my weights to 5 lbs. just for circuit 2. Will up them for whole workout on day 6!
    Love reading everyone's progress and comments! We are rocking it!! :bigsmile:
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    L1, D4 done this morning. I've decided I much prefer to get the workout out of the way earlier in the day. Otherwise, I'm always worried about not getting the time to do it. Plus, this way I was able to get in a walk tonight too.

    Like others, I'm much less sore today. My calves burned while doing some of the lunges, but I was surprisingly less achey throughout the day. Even my arms feel less painful.

    My husband said he's going to join me tomorrow morning. We'll see...
  • Hi all!
    Congratulations to everyone who have been here since June 3rd or joined up since! It's great to know I am not alone with my struggles, sweat, and sore muscles. For those just starting, I am excited to say I just finished day 4 and the sore muscles do subside. I am not nearly as sore as the first 3 days. Just stick it out! It does get better.

    Happy Monday Shred everyone!

    Thanks so much for that and you are not alone :)
  • Hello my people! Thanks to the encouragement I successfully finished my day!!! I agree with the people here about doing it a couple of times...It does get so much easier!!! Thanks to all!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Day 5 completed! Yes I agree with everyone that it's definitely getting easier. I am in much less pain today and just in general I am starting to feel stronger!

    kunmingmom - I use the 5 lb weights for the second circuit as well! I also use them for the chest fly, but for all the other ones I am using the 3 lb weights, esp for those damn side lunges with the front raise! Those are still KILLING me haha. I wonder if it's because they're in the last circuit and by that time my arms start to get pretty tired...

    JessicaStewart3 - I'm glad you stuck to it! Keep at it!

    Everyone is doing really great! Keep it up!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Hello fellow Shredders!

    And, for those of us who started June 3rd, we're halfway done Level 1. (I don't know whether to celebrate that or be scared stiff!)

    Did L1, D5 today. Not in pain, but still finding cardio Circuit 1 tough to do without stopping and those lunges will be the death of me. Nevertheless, I do find that the workout goes by more quickly.
  • mbeltran06
    mbeltran06 Posts: 57
    So I was brave and sweated through L2 today....I made it without dying even though I questioned my sanity midway through the workout!! Now I would gladly do the side lunges and arm raises!! LOL....I'm going to stick with L2 now though. Good luck on your Day 5!!
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Day 4 complete. I decided to mute Jillian and play my own music... I LOVED IT. Going to that from now on :)

    Have a great day!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Day 2 level 1 DONE!! 237 calorie burned
  • runningknitwitmom
    runningknitwitmom Posts: 15 Member
    I ended up missing Sunday, but I did do Day 3 yesterday. I have done every other day so far, but I plan on getting to it every day from now on. I have a 5 mile run to do today as well, so hopefully I can get them both done! Anyway, my husband decided to do the shred with me last night, so I was stuck using the 3 lbs weights for the whole workout, normally I use the 5 lbs for the second circuit and the chest flies. At the beginning of my workout I was thinking I could totally move onto Level 2 today, but halfway through my legs were still sore. And those side lunges with anterior raises...they are KILLER! I STILL can't do it all the way through without taking a break on the arms. I only skipped one arm rep last night though, so it's getting better. My husband actually had to drop his weights during the second set of those last night because they were so tough. I still feel as though she doesn't stretch long enough at the end of the program, which is what leads to extra soreness.
  • cesctheman
    cesctheman Posts: 139 Member
    Just finished day 5 it was ok considering i was feeling lethargic when i started. And i was a bit pissed earlier after my knee started troubling me and ive been having trouble with my knees for 19 years and they have not found anything wrong. Ive had untold amounts of physio,acupuncture, Mri scans and all this tech and they never find anything wrong it really really annoys me, and im only 36.
    Sorry about the little rant just needed to release it...