

  • Besides walking (cardio), you should also do some strength training and interval training style workouts. The strength training will tone up your muscles which will help in burning more calories while resting. The interval training is great for improving stamina. You'll be brisk walking and maybe even jogging real soon!…
  • You could have a 2 egg white omelette or one whole egg with one egg white if one whole egg isnt enough for you! Add a banana and some strawberries too! This is a pretty low calorie breakfast. Have your tea or coffee without sugar or milk, i find that that really reduces calorie intake.
  • Dont give up!! Would love to encourage and support you! Feel free to add me as a friend!(:
  • Thanks for the recommendations! will check them out(:
  • hey! im 18 too, i totally get how hard it is to balance school and trying to get fit. im looking to build a small group of friends who are encouraging and supportive. id love to be able to encourage and motivate you too! we can all get fit together(: feel free to add me as a friend or message me for support and an extra…
  • congrats on starting your journey to get healthy! my name is sara too!! hope you stay motivated and all the best! feel free to add me or message me for encouragement or an extra push!
  • seems like long but very successful journey! congrats!
  • welcome back! im looking for supportive friends too! feel free to add me as a friend and message me if you need encouragement or just to chat!
  • hey! no smoothie recipes but feel free to add me as a friend or message me if you need encouragement or just to chat(:
  • hey! 5'3 here! feel free to add me as a friend or message me if you need encouragement or just to chat(:
  • hey! looking forward to making friends and sharing the joys and struggles of losing weight and getting healthy! add me as a friend or message me(:
  • Hey! im new to the comm part of MFP and I'm looking for encouragement and friends to share the joys and struggles of weight loss and getting healthy! hopefully we could help each other out! add me as a friend and message me(: