

  • You're bikini is amazing! xx
  • Ok. I was wondering as I am very nearly underweight (apparently) and as I am a recovering anorexic, he thinks it wouldn't be a good idea for me to lose more weight. Thanks anyway :-)
  • I would advise against that sweetie. I used to do juice cleanses back when I was severely anorexic. I found that they didn't really do anything and some of them have very harmful effects on the body x Just eat clean
  • A friend has also recommended that to me, so I'll definitely give it a try! I've actually never done Pilates before so that'll be good - to add some of that to my exercise regime! Thank you again for all the support! Love it here x
  • I've noticed that! Back when I was pro-anorexic (which I'm not in any way proud of) I would surround myself with unhealthy diets and talk to people like me - this only worsened my condition. Here it is definitely a more appropriate atmosphere. Cannot wait to really get started with my recovery!
  • Thank you so much everyone who has responded! Just to let you all know, I am seeing a therapist and a nutritionalist to help me out. They suggest light to moderate exercise. It's a way of easing me into eating more and making me feel more comfortable with it! Your advice was great! I have checked out the websites and…
  • I struggled with the exact same thing. I know it's hard to realise, but eating more is so worth it!