
Hi everyone,

I am a recovering anorexic that wants to get fit and comfortable in my body. I've realised that the best way to do that is to get toned and prove to myself that starving isn't the only way to be beautiful. However, I have no real idea of how to get started. I don't know what exercises to do, how many of them to do, what to eat, or how long it will take. Sorry, I realise it might take a while to answer all those questions, but this is really important to me and I would really appreciate it if someone could answer ASAP. I would like abs, biceps, the whole nine yards! I really need help on what to do!

My stats are:

Height: 5'4
Weight: (around) 110

thank you so much in advance to anyone who answers xxx


  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Lift heavy things. Put them down. Repeat.

    Take a look at Stronglifts 5x5, Starting Strength, or New Rules Of Lifting for Women. I'm pretty sure they all have groups here you can join to get further info.
  • HollyDee14
    HollyDee14 Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Fittie4Eternity!

    Firstly, as I'm sure you know, anorexia is *really* serious so I hope that you're working with a therapist and a nutrionist to continue your recovery in a healthy way. The nutrionist (who may be covered on your health insurance if you have any) can help you with what to eat. I commend and admire you for taking your health seriously and wanting to feel comfortable in your body without restricting. :) You're amazing!!

    Regarding the exercise- check out It's a husband/wife team who created a bunch of incredible workout videos that you can sort by time allotted, number of calories burned, or equipment needed. It's great. My only caution is that sometimes folks with EDs can switch from restricting/binging/purging to over-exercising, so be careful...

    Best of luck!! Sending you positive thoughts.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Definitely get with a therapist if you haven't already. While anorexia is generally thought of as refusing to eat, it can easily disguise itself as too much exercise as well. Assuming you have a therapist and are starting a workout program with their approval, I would recommend heavy lifting for you. New Rules of Lifting for Women, Stronglifts, or Starting Strength are all good beginner programs that focus on the full body and will help you get "toned". While I still do cardio to help my heart and lungs and to increase my calorie deficit, I definitely see the most visible change in my body when I'm lifting.
  • Thank you so much everyone who has responded! Just to let you all know, I am seeing a therapist and a nutritionalist to help me out. They suggest light to moderate exercise. It's a way of easing me into eating more and making me feel more comfortable with it! Your advice was great! I have checked out the websites and they're all fantastic. You're all amazing - thank you guys so much again xx
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Glad to hear you're working with professionals. Definitely stick around! This is (for the most part) one of the healthiest 'fitness' boards I've encountered. People are very blunt and straightforward, but they do not support any of nonsense fads or unhealthy practices you see cropping up on talk shows and infomercials.
  • I've noticed that! Back when I was pro-anorexic (which I'm not in any way proud of) I would surround myself with unhealthy diets and talk to people like me - this only worsened my condition. Here it is definitely a more appropriate atmosphere. Cannot wait to really get started with my recovery!
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    I'm really proud that you've come so far, you are on your road to recovery and that is brilliant.

    I would recommend blogilates, and do some of her pop pilates videos! Pilates is good for toning, strength etc.
  • I'm really proud that you've come so far, you are on your road to recovery and that is brilliant.

    I would recommend blogilates, and do some of her pop pilates videos! Pilates is good for toning, strength etc.

    A friend has also recommended that to me, so I'll definitely give it a try! I've actually never done Pilates before so that'll be good - to add some of that to my exercise regime!

    Thank you again for all the support! Love it here x