

  • Acutally, I'm living in 2014. I lost 16 lbs in less than 2 months. My rate of fat loss is greater than your rate of fat loss so I must be right, right? :laugh: You are very confused with the difference between health and weight loss. You can eat literally nothing and lose weight. You won't be healthy, but it's possible.…
  • Google "Moon landing a hoax." Just cause you can google it doesn't mean it's true. A K-state professor made the twinkie diet famous by eating only candy and twinkies and loss a considerable amount of weight. Now it harmed is health but that's not the question. He still lost weight by eating at a calorie deficit.
  • SLL is right. It's calories in < calories out. Even in hormonal cases such as PCOS or thyroid, the degree of difference between calories in and calories out may need to change, but its still the sum. You don't NEED to log. Your body doesn't check to see if you logged your MFP for the day before it starts its B-oxidation of…
  • In the 2 months I have been dieting, I've binged no less than 4 times. It was glorious. I recovered and it had almost no effect on my overall weight loss. I still maintain 1.5-2.0 lbs per week. Realize how much you would truely need to binge to gain a significant amount of weight and you'll feel better. You didn't gain…
  • You're welcome. I'm not trying to be rude but you came and asked "what am I doing wrong." Tons of people on here with more experience than myself who have answered this question a million times gave their opinion that you were over-estimating calories. You kept blowing them off and saying "you knew what you were doing."…
  • Occam's razor my friend. First, you must rule out the hypothesis with the least number of assumption. That is almost always that the person who claims they are making higher-than-normal levels of calorie expenditure is overestimating calories burned or plain out being dishonest with themselves. Have a thyroid isuee (~12%…
  • The first step is religious adherence to logging. There is no way that you know what you are eating without it. Until you have 95-100% adherence to logging then you are really fighting an uphill battle. Start with logging accurately, with a scale, every time you put ANYTHING in your mouth (don't log pens if you are a…
  • Eat it if you want. If you want to replace it with more nutritionally dense food, that's honestly better. Nutritionally dense food is always > than less nutritionally dense food regardless of what the healthy eating counter culture says. That being said, it won't hurt your weight loss and if you feel (true or not) that you…
  • HRM monitors are not very accurate especially in high intensity workouts and lifting. they are best for steady state aerobics. The disparity increases as you become slimmer and your deficit likely decreases. It sounds like you want to be told that "it's not your fault" and will disregard all the other evidence until you…
  • I just did, and frequently, go through the same thing. After I eat a bit more, especially if it is really carby, I gain 2-3 pounds. It's water weight. It generally takes 2-4 days for me to drop it back down but at the end of the week/month it all evens out to my goal of ~1.5-2.0 lbs a week. I imagine it's the same for you.
  • I eat 100% of my calories back and it hasn't hurt my weight loss and it makes life a lot more enjoyable.
  • I can't answer your questions cause I've always worked out while dieting. I don't do it because it speeds up my weight loss though. It doesn't, I eat back all my exercise calories. It does keep me sane though. It gives me an extra 400-600 calories to eat. It lets me eat more not so healthy food with a fraction of the…
  • Fatty fish (salmon and others) rich in omega-3s have been found to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease if consumed at least twice a week. Interestingly, eating it more than twice a week gives only a very minor increase when compared to eating it twice a week. I'm sure you can find a source for this just as easy as…
  • You don't have to experience something to know it's dumb. For instance, I have never ingested glass shards, yet I know that doing so would be dumb.
  • As someone who works in science, this sounds like as much psuedoscience as crystal healing. Bacteria is negatively charged due to teichoic acid (gram positive) and phospholipids (gram negatives). Bacteria adhere to cells through relatively strong interactions with receptors, these are strong and can't be broken by…
  • I recommend reading this. All 8 sections. It's long, so spread it out over a long time. The guy has done his research and is a very knowledgeable MD. He links all his sources and goes into great detail. Long story short, HDL isn't as important as…
  • That would be awesome if it worked with even a +/- 10% error rate. I would buy.
  • No single item but if I can't enjoy a night out with friends and family then it will be a deal breaker. One of the reasons I have stayed away from the keto diet. I want to be able to eat at a restaurant without going crazy. Or eat some awesome homemade indian food and not freak out.
  • Might need to up your calories and avoid those sugary snacks. I relied on them for a long time but realized they were a crutch that, in reality, led to a constant state of fatigue. Stabilize your blood sugar and get healthier snacks and it'll slowly come around.
  • As a guy who is only slightly overweight, it takes very little effort for me to look in shape with clothes on. I'm sure it's the same for your husband. Grats to you though.
  • The beginning is enormously tough. Sugar addiction is a very real thing. Sugar has similar effects as several narcotics in the brain as far as the pleasure centers are concerned (cite pending if someone ask for it). If I eat something overly sweet, I can't help but begin this cycle of obsessing and binging. I just avoid…
  • As someone who has a sugar addition, I'm going to tell you what works for me. Some people will frown on it and it's not magical cure. It's pure and simple will power mixed in with a lot of protein and fiber to offset hunger. I struggle with it everyday. The first thing that pops in my head when I am hungry are sweets. This…
  • Salads are always decent of course, throw in some chicken breast and only use olive oil and vinegar with a bit of salt as a dressing. Another thing that works for me is to make Burritos and fajitas for the week and freeze/refrigerate them. Then just throw them in the microwave. I don't eat much red meat so I always make…
  • I literally saw all those things from just changing my diet from normal western fast food diet to eating mostly clean food. I eat 200-350 g of carbs and 4-5 fruits a day. I love it. I love when people confuse causation and correlation.
  • I just finished the first month. I'm going to be doing the max interval sports training instead of the core cardio and balance during the rest week. I had shin splints the first week or two of insanity but they have gone away. If you take it easy for the next week you should be ok. Shaun T does like the do some extreme…
  • Insulin doesn't carry sugar. Insulin is a peptide that acts upon a receptor that sends a signal cascade through the cell that results in vesicles containing glucose transporters (GLUT) migrating to the cell membrane. I'm with you that the word insulin is thrown around far too much, though. I was going to link some old…
  • That's true. Just wanted to be clear. So someone does read that and think "Sweet! Proteins can't be turned into fat! I can eat 500g a day."
  • You're post was pretty good. I just want to clarify that proteins can be turned to fat. Glucogenic amino acids can be turned into glucose that can then be turned into fatty acids and ketogenic amino acids are converted to acetyl CoA or acetoacetyl CoA which can be used directly for fatty acid synthesis.
  • Fats are fine as long as you are in a calorie deficit. I'm more interested in this evidence that disproves calories in - calories out. I hope it's scientific and peer reviewed. In my efforts to learn more, I'd love a link.
    in Fat Comment by JoeCampbell85 July 2014