

  • BMI is notoriously bad under almost every condition, especially in muscular people. I'm not sure the accuracy on children but I don't know many muscular children. By "beast" I assume you mean that he is just "big boned." An overused excuse, though if, hypothetically, you wanted to get him tested for BF%. Remember, just…
  • Can you just get them and freeze them away? They will still be there to tempt you but if you are like me and enjoy the soft silky texture of the truffles, them being frozen may be just enough of a stall for you to wrangle with your willpower.
  • Depends what is being served and how it is organized. If I can't avoid eating then I just accept it and move on. If it is an informal setting where I can avoid the food, I'll eat my food before the event and avoid most of the food there.
  • I would let my child lose weight, more for health than the sport though. People attack anyone that tries to put their kid on a diet but the same people complain about the increased obesity epidemic. Can't win societies approval either way. Kids, like all humans, need to be within a healthy weight range if you want them to…
  • You don't need sugar. Keto diets have been in existence for more than 100 years and that's not counting Inuit tribes. Whether you agree with that diet in terms of weight loss or even health, it has been successful used as a lifestyle and as a treatment for serious diseases such as epilepsy. Glucose is not needed for the…
  • Like I said, I have no problem with spandex. I'm just saying don't think looking hot in spandex is a requirement to lift. I'm also sure it has benefits but besides breast I'm not sure what problems loose clothes would cause on a women that wouldn't be the same on a man. I tuck my shirt in if it's a lift that it may cause a…
  • I'm pretty foggy brained right now from a workout but I will pose one question. Why do women feel the need to go to the gym in spandex. I mean, if that's what you are most comfortable in, more power to ya. I have no problem with girls working out in bra and panties if it helps them feel comfortable enough to lift (I will,…
  • In the words of my good friend: I'm in shape....round is a shape.
  • You will never be back at square one. Square one was you being unaware/uncaring of your health and weight and and, even if you did care, you didn't know how to fix it. You know what to do. Stand back up and keep on going.
  • Im 74 inches so that would be a 37 inch waste. at 17% bf i have a 33-34 waste. 37 would not be healthy. unless i have muscular hips of course
  • Honestly, I just had a 3-4 day binge. I had some friends and family visiting and decided not to stress it. When I say binge I mean binge. I didn't track it butt I have no doubt I ate more than 4000 calories a day of the worst sort of food. It set me back a few pounds and is has been a bit slow to get going again but that's…
  • Protein is protein. Getting essential amino acids from plants or animals is fine. Best is a silly qualifier in this regard. I'd say the last 2.5 million years of human existence would argue that meat is a great source of protein as well. Also, the nurses studies are complete jokes. Epidemiological studies are a waste of…
  • it gets worst, 30 bananas a day is just a slogan. Some followers of that diet, especially the girl that made is popular, eats 50-60 a day.
  • I didn't read the whole thread because it's honestly a bunch of nonsense. Just to be clear, saturated fats have been shown to raise very-large LDL not very-small. Actually, they have been shown to decrease very small and increase very large. Very small are the bad ones that nudge themselves into vein walls and cause…
  • We all have defects. You might have a big head. I have ears that provide enough lift that I have to register with the FAA for windy days. Bothered me when I was younger, now that I'm a bit older I rock it. Imperfections don't define us, my friend.
  • I think saying one pound of muscle burns an extra 50 calories is a bit much. I'm not sure of this guys sources: but his 5-6 extra calories is far more believable. I have read some studies that showed HIIT and weight lifting increased residual metabolism…
  • I think it is a nonissue as far as cumulative weight loss goes. I believe it does have positive health and neurological effects, however. It definitely won't hurt your weight loss.
  • At scooby's workshop, I calculated your TDEE to be ~2400 if you are sedentary. Which it does not sound like you are. A 20% calorie reduction places you at about 1950. That's for 1 lb a week.
  • Nothing really. I initially read it one way. Upon rereading I don't disagree at all. :) Sorry for quoting you. I'll edit!
  • That's OK, you believe the commercials. I'll believe my biochemistry degree, graduate school education, and the countless peer-reviewed scientific articles that I researched on this subject.
  • Table sugar is a natural disaccharide composed one fructose and one glucose molecule. So it's 50% glucose and 50% fructose. Fruits tend to have higher fructose ratios than sucrose. Usually being composed of pure fructose, some glucose, and some sucrose. The ratios vary by fruit. This is similar to HFCS that typically…
  • I finished my bachelors in biochemistry and starting my Doctorate in Pharmacy. I barely had time to eat right as an undergraduate and expect graduate school to be even worse, especially with working a full time job. I spend a lot of time making food right now so finding recipes that make bulk food for the week is going to…
  • Open your log so we can give good feedback. 90% of the time, if you are failing to lose weight, it's because you are overestimating your calories burned or underestimating your intake. Weighing everything with a scale and adherence to logging is the best way to correct this.
  • Right? In before the "I need feminism because..." post.
  • Who cares if it was a guy or girl making fun of you. I've known many of women who made fun of the size of post-pregnancy women. Not every woman becomes overweight after pregnancy and I've also know several women who use pregnancy as an excuse to being overweight months and years later. Who cares. Walking around with a chip…
  • Because food taste good.
  • I go camping every now and then, but not for 5 days. I generally just relax and control portions. You can't freak out about things you can't control. Just don't pig out and keep moving and you'll probably make it out ok.
  • Regardless of if it is true or not. It's of no consequence. I'll tell you why. We will play a world of extremes for simplicity sakes. So a person eats 100g protein, 100g fat, 100g carbs in a small time period. The body won't use it all and will excrete some and store some as fatty acids. Protein can turn into fat via…