how much will a 3 day binge affect me

I was doing so well, I've lost almost a stone, but over the past three days I've been binging a bit. I'm on my time of the month but no excuse. I went 2 whole weeks without binging but on tuesday, wednesday and today i binged, yesterday i ate healthy and exercised a lot. i binged on vanilla ice cream, crisps, low fat chocolate mousse, chicken, potato waffles, chocolate, biscuits, rice. I've probably had 4000-5000 cals on eahc binge day. Eeek. I feel so out of control when I binge. I'm so worried this will affect me big time, even affect my dress size! I've gotten down to 11st 12lb (probably 12st now) and a uk size 10/12. I feel like a 14. Will this affect me majorly? I felt lazy too and I just have days where I enjoy pigging out in front of the tv, but i know its not good for me. Is there anyway I can stop cravings and impulsive behaviour on my time of the month?


  • JoeCampbell85
    Honestly, I just had a 3-4 day binge. I had some friends and family visiting and decided not to stress it. When I say binge I mean binge. I didn't track it butt I have no doubt I ate more than 4000 calories a day of the worst sort of food. It set me back a few pounds and is has been a bit slow to get going again but that's life. That's me though, you will no doubt be a little different. Especially because you are a girl. There will be some water weight.

    Unfortunately there is no magic cure to squash craving and impulsive behaviors. Eating a satisfying diet in a calorie restriction and just good, hardcore self discipline are the way to go.
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    Truthfully, it will probably affect you about 3 days worth. It'll take you a smidgen bit longer to reach your goal. No big deal.

    The only way a three day binge will have major consequences is if you say, "I screwed up. Might as well quit," and turn it into a long term binge.