

  • Oops forgot to ask, did you get the eating plan and containers? 80% of results come from nutrition. If you have any questions or need tips and recipes don't hesitate to ask.
  • I finished it right before Christmas, and I got good results. It helps to join a group to stay on track.
  • For me it was waking up every morning with the task of caring for my 3 kids and having pain in my feet that made me just want to stay in bed! 60 pounds is what I've lost and I understand how hard it seems at first, I just tried to see every pound as a victory! I've reached my goal, and the best part has been seeing the…
  • Oops wrong reply
  • Thanks for posting this! I've been having a rough 5 days keeping myself honest and not tally sure if I've actually ousted what I've been eating correctly. I binged tonight, not 4000 calories, but enough to feel guilty and disappointed. I have a tendency to sabotage my success and I feel very worried that the 40lbs that I…
  • I was shocked to learn that eggs don't actually have many calories, what one adds to the eggs can stack up the calories.
  • "You're gonna rebound and gain twice the weight you've lost!"
  • Wow great job! 10lbs in two weeks is awesome progress!! It helps to have a buddy so add me if you'd like!
  • It's a journey, don't beat yourself up if you stray, just find your way back.
  • Nursing takes a lot out of a mom, I'm still nursing my 16 month old twins, and I use it as my calorie burning. I feel you, by the end of the day I'm so hungry that I don't know what to do, but I learned that getting back to my weight goal is a journey and not a challenge. Don't be discouraged by what happens, just get back…