Need Encouragement.

I'm a 21 year old female who has struggled with being overweight since I was a child (we're talking 7 or 8 years old). I've lost 10lbs so far in the last two weeks, and would like encouragement to keep going and possibly a friend to talk to! Male or female, just looking for support! :D


  • AnakinSparta
    You can do it! The most important thing I have to tell you is that you are doing this to be healthy. Taking care of your body is extremely important; at the same time I offer a warning, don't get over eager with defecit. It can evolve quickly into problems. So put your heart into health, exercise and make sure you eat enough to lose weight. Most importantly - do it with a smile, enjoy it! Keep strong pretty lady!
  • soraRose
    you can do it. I've also been overweight since I was about 7-8 years old,but I was sick as well with an undiagnosed illness(finally got it when I was 21 with hashimoto's disease) it sucks,but yeah stay healthy and active.The only diet that has worked for me was the hormone diet so far,but that's me.but keep going,i'm sure you'll get there.
  • LovelyTasha
    Congratulations on your recent weight loss! WTG!! That's amazing progress!

    I was so happy to find this website, tons if good information! Keep it up!
  • MsWallwoman
    One step at a time. Progress is progress even if its slow. Remember that your body will go where your mind takes it. Think positive and believe in yourself. You CAN do this. :wink:
  • 1stLadyCRM
    One day at a time young lady, we are all in this together and I am pulling for you...10 pounds is awesome just don't quit. We fall down but we get back up again...I believe in you...
  • HYama
    HYama Posts: 11
    Wow great job! 10lbs in two weeks is awesome progress!! It helps to have a buddy so add me if you'd like!
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    You know what, you can so totally do this; keep the faith going! :drinker:
    I'm here if you need me! Just remember, you can achieve anything you put your mind to!
  • chrysa858
    Good Evening,

    Hi, My name is Chrysa and I have joined my fitnesspal sometime last year.. I have struggled with weight loss since I was 18 and after my daughter was born in 2008 i was 206 lbs. I started losing weight off and on but got real serious January of last year. I have lost 28lbs so far and that is with me falling off the lose weight wagon (as I call it). Add me I will always be here to encourage you, I do "TONS" of research on weight loss and dieting and all that. Today I found that when I feed my cows and sheep for 15 min I burned some calories. When you sit, clean, walk in your house (avg an hour a day) those count too. Need some sites to help you figure out "your" calorie burning process because ppl burn different calories at different weights, send me a message and I will let you know. You are rockin it out for sure good job on the 10lb loss. Keep it up you are fabulous! :)
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    I'm a 21 year old female who has struggled with being overweight since I was a child (we're talking 7 or 8 years old). I've lost 10lbs so far in the last two weeks, and would like encouragement to keep going and possibly a friend to talk to! Male or female, just looking for support! :D

    You have already done something amazing!! 10 pounds in 2 weeks is phenomenal, but know that your body can not sustain a 5 pound a week loss, healthily, and prepare yourself for that, mentally!! It is too easy to get discouraged if that is your mindset.

    You've taken the hardest step and decided to lose weight and get healthy! That's wonderful!!! Now you can work on making it a lifestyle change and concentrate on getting and being healthy for the rest of your life!! Congratulations on your loss so far!!!