What annoying comments did you get from your weight loss?



  • jemmers6
    jemmers6 Posts: 11 Member
    Wow. I have nothing but supportive friends and family in my life. They're all loudly cheering for me. Even the 80 pounds overweight one who calls me "Skinny Butt" in acknowledgement of my efforts.
  • The most annoying comments I have had thus far is:

    " You're so skinny" (I'm not, I still have more to lose)
    "What protein shake are you taking" (as if that's the only key to weight loss / better fitness)
    " Is that real" (referring to my muscles)
  • miche_smash
    miche_smash Posts: 131 Member
    "You keep doing what you're doing, I like eating too much"
    I still eat! And I eat well, thank you very much!

    The comment I hate most is "go eat a cheeseburger"
    I hate hate hate that. It rubs me the wrong way and I find it very rude.
  • 0067808
    0067808 Posts: 119 Member
    "You suit a bit more weight, especially as your husband is a big man......."

    Like I have to co-ordinate my weight with an ex-rugby player (prop forward, built like a you-know-what!)? I've heard of couples colour co-ordinating their outfits, but their weight?!

    Next time someone says it to me, I think I'll suggest he co-ordinates his look with ME.
  • Every time I tell certain older persons how much I've lost (45 lbs) they ask if I plan on doing anymore. Geesh, ofcourse I plan on losing more. I need to lose up to 100 to feel close to goal weight. It's not my fault everyone I know can only lose a few pounds before quitting again. They're just not used to someone sooooo stubborn.
    And, another lady whom I'm friends with and who I've met at the gym a few times nearly laughed at me when I said I was losing it with good eating and lots of walking. Why do people think that going to the gym is the only way to lose weight? If you include lots of climbing and some jogging, anyone can lose weight by hoofing it a half hour to an hour a day. It takes tenacity. If I listened to what other people said I'd never get anywhere.
  • HYama
    HYama Posts: 11 Member
    "You're gonna rebound and gain twice the weight you've lost!"
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    "You're so lucky."

    Goddamn it, I am not lucky. I have worked damn hard for my weight loss, and I don't just happen to have a miraculous genetic predisposition to losing weight easily. If I did, I probably would never have been fat in the first place.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    U eat bacon!??! Oh my your gonna die of heart disease :angry: :angry: :angry:
  • MucGay
    MucGay Posts: 38 Member
    "what happened to you?" along with a sympathetic expression...

    that comment I got, twice, from 2 different friends.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    You finally look great.

    Only *****y women say that.
  • nana_pancakes
    nana_pancakes Posts: 13 Member
    "I liked it more when *you* were the fat friend"

    And this is why we are no longer friends :bigsmile:
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    Not really what you asked but after having lost 55 lbs of the 104 I need to lose in 3 months with absolutely no one saying a word I finally had one guy ask if I was ok. I said sure, why. He said everyone had noticed I have lost a lot of weight and people are concerned that I was sick and losing it like from chemotherapy or something. I just laughed and said, no I am losing it on purpose.

    Now two of those people who used to drop hints about me needing to lose weight are coming to me begging to know the secret. I just tell them, no secret, just diet and exercise. One guy no longer speaks to me since now that I have lost 70 lbs, I am 40 lbs lighter than him and 6 inches taller.
  • nomorepizza2
    nomorepizza2 Posts: 85 Member
    "You look gaunt."
    "You look ill."
    "I preferred you heavier."
    The many comments I've received have been overwhelmingly positive but these few negative ones still bug me.
    I couldn't imagine ever making a comment like this to anyone.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    From my dad who tormented me about my weight when I was a kid: "Don't lose any more weight. You don't want to get too skinny."

    From an acquaintance: "Go eat a fat hamburger. You're too skinny!"

    From a friend: "You're very tiny and compact."
  • hazellac
    hazellac Posts: 90 Member
    When I tell people I'm exercising and eating healthier they get on at me -

    "But you look fine as you are"

    "You don't need to lose weight"

    "Why you doing all that? Your slim enough to eat what you want"

    Argh - no no no no no!! Firstly, these people haven't seen me butt naked, I could do with losing a little weight. Secondly weight is NOT my main issue I want to be healthy ... you can be super skinny and still be unhealthy but most people I know can't get their heads around this. I want to be fit, again being skinny doesn't always mean you can outrun someone double your size.
    Most importantly I'm doing this to be a better influence on my toddler, I want to be a better role model, I want to encourage him to enjoy healthy foods and exercise.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    One guy no longer speaks to me since now that I have lost 70 lbs, I am 40 lbs lighter than him and 6 inches taller.

    I'm always amazed at how brain damaged so many people are. Not speaking to someone any longer because they're no longer your fat friend??? SOME friend they are. God knows you're better off without a guy like this around!
    Congrats on losing 55 pounds! :drinker:
  • JuantonBliss
    JuantonBliss Posts: 245 Member
    I get the same comments from my mom, but the more I think about it I don't think it's an issue about losing anymore weight now cause now I weight 119 and I'm 5'7; that's underweight. I need to start toning up now. I think everything that's flabby on me now is just unused muscle, minus my stomach. There is fat there, but I can get rid of that with some hardcore ab workouts.
  • JuantonBliss
    JuantonBliss Posts: 245 Member
    By the way, you look ****ing fantastic, so no worries :) Keep going!
  • JuantonBliss
    JuantonBliss Posts: 245 Member
    When I tell people I'm exercising and eating healthier they get on at me -

    "But you look fine as you are"

    "You don't need to lose weight"

    "Why you doing all that? Your slim enough to eat what you want"

    Argh - no no no no no!! Firstly, these people haven't seen me butt naked, I could do with losing a little weight. Secondly weight is NOT my main issue I want to be healthy ... you can be super skinny and still be unhealthy but most people I know can't get their heads around this. I want to be fit, again being skinny doesn't always mean you can outrun someone double your size.
    Most importantly I'm doing this to be a better influence on my toddler, I want to be a better role model, I want to encourage him to enjoy healthy foods and exercise.

  • HelllYeaHH
    HelllYeaHH Posts: 56 Member
    This thread is pure gold!

    Every single comment just oozes with jealousy from friends or family that clearly need to work on themselves but don't have the motivation for it.
