What annoying comments did you get from your weight loss?



  • notdebby
    notdebby Posts: 58
    Haven't gotten this so much now but I see it coming at some point if I get to my goal weight. I did get this when I lost down to my goal weight after having my son.

    "You need to eat. You look anorexic." I'm 5' 5" and my goal is around 120. I have a small frame so 120 is not unhealthy.

    The most recent comment I've gotten when I mentioned that I've lost close to 30 pounds in the last several months was, "I think people look beautiful no matter their size." This one bugs me because while vanity does definitely play a small part in wanting to lose weight the larger part is that I want to be healthy and have energy to get through my days.
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    most comments have been of the "heres your sign" variety.. for example
    "oh my goodness have you lost weight? ( I have lost 40 pounds)...nope just got wet and I shrunk! ( heres your sign)
    Did you lose weight on purpose?....nope its all by accident don't I look swell?

    people often just don't know what to say...especially if they also need to lose weight.. my lightweight friends always are positive and encouraging.. but my heavier friends always seem to have dork disease and just can't make a healthy comment...and I love them to bits LOL
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    When I got down to 170 (I started at 204), a coworker said "I can now introduce you to a friend of mine".
  • greattimes
    greattimes Posts: 123 Member
    The one I get is from "friends' that tell my husband of over 40 years that I getting ready to cut him out of the herd, because that is why women lose weight and cut their hair. But I only married him to make his life miserable and I am not through yet.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    You are still losing more? Where are you going to get it from?

    Uh, thanks, but I'm still not at a healthy weight.
  • mickeyaa1
    I am at the beginning stages of my journey. I actually started 3 weeks ago with walking 4-6 miles 5 days a week and started weight watchers (on my own) not paying to step on a scale every week - after i got past the most horrifying blisters I was able to make pretty good time. I haven't weighed myself and actually started Rockin Body workout by Shaun T this past Monday. I can see inches that i have lost but to scared to step on the scale....ok, now to my point. When i started walking 3 weeks ago i had a few people tell me "its only walking - it cant be that hard. Well, I live in upstate NY and the past 3 weeks we have had 90+ degree temperature and i was walking outside. I really want to say to those people - tell you what, strap a 50lb bag of sand to your back and haul your *kitten* around 4-6 miles, outside in the heat, on the blacktop and tell me how "easy" that is....they saying walk a mile in someones shoes. If those people ever struggled with a weight issue they would know how it feels to carry around all that extra weight!!!! For everyone on here- its your journey and we are our own worst critic so everyone who has a negative opinion shouldn't even be worth talking to.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    "What's your SECRET????"

    Especially right after saying how I used MFP to track calories (with an open diary), C25K to start running, and Stronglifts 5x5 to lift weights.

    But no... it's a secret. :indifferent:
  • Roxanne_Hennessy
    Roxanne_Hennessy Posts: 130 Member
    Just got one today from my dad

    "Don't go to crazy with this whole weight loss thing, cause you're a tall girl. You don't wanna look like a skellington"

    I'm 5'10 and aiming to get to 165 or a size 10 whichever comes first.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    My most annoying comments are the non comments. I've lost 19 pounds and change (not quite to 20 yet) of the 40 I want to lose. I've gone down probably a size and a half. No one in my family, no coworkers, no friends have said word one. Ultimately, I'm doing this for me, but it would be really nice to hear someone notice it! My husband will mention it if I talk about it (I noticed that my clothes fit better at 160 this time because I've been lifting weights and working out, and before when I got down to 160 it was weight watchers and no exercise). That elicits a comment from him. It's funny, because I was so self concious at 180 and now I finally feel like I don't look so chubby anymore. I figure that means either I still look chubby or I didn't look as horrible as I thought. ::shrug::

    (My apologies for the whine, it's been a cranky Friday!)
  • Buckeyegirlbritt
    "You look pencil thin. You shouldn't worry about your weight." -My mother
    "How did you do it?" -- "Through diet and exercise." -- "I thought that's what you would tell me." -My husband's aunt
  • ajlandon
    ajlandon Posts: 115 Member
    I got a lot of questions about my "secret" diet plan early on when I dropped weight quickly. Uh. Caloric deficit?

    I had two people insist that I admit that I had gone low carb. I hadn't.
  • BringingSherriBack
    "Are you sick?"
    "You don't need to lose anymore weight!"
    "You're done losing right?"
    "You don't want to get too skinny."
    "Don't you eat?"

    I hate the people telling me I've lost enough or need to quit or might get too skinny. Really??? I'm still 35 pounds from a normal BMI. Yeah I'm a size 10 pants and a large shirt, but I can still see where I have excess fat on my body.

    And the do I eat thing. Wow! Anyone that knows me knows I like my food. lol
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    My most annoying comments are the non comments. I've lost 19 pounds and change (not quite to 20 yet) of the 40 I want to lose. I've gone down probably a size and a half. No one in my family, no coworkers, no friends have said word one. Ultimately, I'm doing this for me, but it would be really nice to hear someone notice it! My husband will mention it if I talk about it (I noticed that my clothes fit better at 160 this time because I've been lifting weights and working out, and before when I got down to 160 it was weight watchers and no exercise). That elicits a comment from him. It's funny, because I was so self concious at 180 and now I finally feel like I don't look so chubby anymore. I figure that means either I still look chubby or I didn't look as horrible as I thought. ::shrug::

    (My apologies for the whine, it's been a cranky Friday!)

    I think people tend to wait until it's really drastic and definitely permanent. This is especially true if the person losing the weight is a female since women seem to be supppppppppper sensitive about weight. Whenever you ask someone if they've lost weight you're basically saying how you thought they were fat and now they're less so. It only takes one time of commenting to a woman on how much weight she's lost only to be corrected that she's lost none to learn to keep your trap shut unless it's a night and day difference.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    When I had lost about 20#, several people told me my clothes were looking baggy.
    Yeah, they were, but I couldn't see buying a bunch of clothes that would fit only for a few weeks, then look baggy, too.
    Bought some hospital scrubs with a drawstring waist.
    Then, when I got to my goal, I bought a new wardrobe.
    NOW, these same people tell me they liked the 'old' me better.
    Just can't please some folks, so why try?
  • wibblefps
    "You look fine"

    "What are you talking about, don't lose any more"

    Luckily my best friend will greet me with, "Hi mate.... I thought you said you lost weight?"

    I go by what he says...
  • melmckay99
    When I'm offered a food or drink that I don't want and the person is always like "oh c'mon, one cookie won't hurt", or "one drink won't hurt".... why do you care so much what I eat or don't eat!?? My body, my choice, leave me the F* alone.

    Sorry for the underlying anger coming up here but this happens to me a lot and I am frankly quite annoyed by it.
  • resistance_freak
    Most of the comments I get are positive, but there's a guy at work who likes to call me anorexic boy.

    Then there's a close family member that doesn't so much make annoying comments as much as they just get mad when I make time for the gym because they're jealous of the fitness gains I'm achieving. So I understand where it's coming from, but it still pisses me off.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    I get comments about how I'm so skinny now from people who are bigger. They tell me that they have so much "cushion" on them and that I don't have anything. It's obviously not true, so I don't let it bother me.

    However, when somebody starts talking about my lifting, I get all :explode: Sunday, my cousin's husband asked me what I was doing with bruises on my legs from deadlifts and basically hinted that I was ridiculous for lifting.

    I also get really annoyed at people who are trying to sell me weight loss supplements or giving me pointers when they KNOW that I have had success with what I'm currently doing.
  • sjkcwatson
    sjkcwatson Posts: 61 Member
    My most annoying comments are the non comments. I've lost 19 pounds and change (not quite to 20 yet) of the 40 I want to lose. I've gone down probably a size and a half. No one in my family, no coworkers, no friends have said word one. Ultimately, I'm doing this for me, but it would be really nice to hear someone notice it! My husband will mention it if I talk about it (I noticed that my clothes fit better at 160 this time because I've been lifting weights and working out, and before when I got down to 160 it was weight watchers and no exercise). That elicits a comment from him. It's funny, because I was so self concious at 180 and now I finally feel like I don't look so chubby anymore. I figure that means either I still look chubby or I didn't look as horrible as I thought. ::shrug::

    (My apologies for the whine, it's been a cranky Friday!)

    I have lost 39 total- and have held that steady for the last month and a half. Funny thing - nobody noticed the first 20, honesly not many noticed the first 30. But when I started getting down to the last 10 and ironically this last month when I've stayed the same- everyone has noticed. I get comments almsot constantly. I attributed some of it to my first loss being winter/spring and then when I hit summer the clothes make it more noticible. I think though that people aren't sure so they hesitate to say anything until it is so obvious they don't quesion it at all. Hang in there and keep going - your doiing great and will get there!!!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    "... do you have cancer"

    Sorry, but that actually made me laugh.

    Anyway, now that it is out of my system. I am in the military, so luckily most don't judge that way. Most people around me are super supportive, and some have asked me to help them.

    I have gotten some comments from family who have said I am starting to look thing, but I just brush it off and don't pay attention.