

  • I had mine about 6 months ago and down aprox 60 lbs wanting to loose 40 more but I need motivation too!
  • I was told the carbonation in soda ect can stretch out the sleeve. My doctor said I could have "flat soda" instead of a regular drink. I have also read that when people try it has an unpleasant feeling enough that you wouldn't want to try again I was sleeved a week ago so I've never experienced this before
  • I had mine 6/25 I did loose 10lbs on the two week diet before surgery Take it day by day, it will get here quicker than you expect What I did to prepare for the change is completely clean out the pantry with things I no longer need to have (I left some sweets for my husband) and made sure I had enough protein shakes soups…
  • Thank you, I shocked me at first but I'm a but more comfortable with it now that I looked it up and it's normal
  • I had my surgery on Wednesday and was released yesterday afternoon. Had a pretty ok night. I had a lab band to sleeve revision and my doctor said there was a lot of scar tissue he had to "clean" due to the first surgery. Over all I think I'm doing good, just struggling a little with my breathing exercises. I feel very weak…
  • Thank you for your comments and for the wishes! I'll update y'all and hope u do too Debbie since we will have the surgery two days apart good luck (:
  • You'll be surprised I've been in liquid since 6/9 and I'm doing fine. I'm having surgery on 6/25 I'm excited!