Lee2047 Member


  • Thanks to everyone for the info. People on this site are just amazing sources! Right now I am very limited in mobility and flexibility with some serious joint issues,, but would like to look into something like this later, when I am in better shape. Right now, I just sit back in awe at all the interesting and strenuous…
  • Mary, you are a great encouragement, and you are so right. We get out of this what we put into it. It is possible for us to achieve our goals, but we have to keep trying. Thanks for your positive attitude and good advice.
  • Faldkats, please don't quit! I don't post as often as I should either, but sometimes it is just hard for me to sit here long enough to get in my daily food and exercise. I am 67 too, am also tall, and am more than 100lbs overweight. Having arthritis, degenerative disc disease, degenerative joint disease ( facing a hip…
  • Great idea!
  • July 4, 2014 SW: 325 SW when I started MFP: 304 CW: 295 GW: 150 Long road to go, but so far, at least I am not going backwards, and (for me) that's a miracle.
  • :smile: Mississippi here.
  • Hello Everyone! I am 66 years old (soon to be 67) and need to lose over 100lbs. I have some joint and back problems, as well as some other health issues, and have been much too sedentary for far too long. Along with eating healthier, I am committed to moving as much as I can each day to increase my flexibility and…