divinedivasceo Member


  • Name: Debi Age:46 Height:5'4" Start Weight (1st November):218 Goal Weight (1December): 210 29th October: 218 5th November:214 12th November: 19th November: 26nd November: 3rd December: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week:
  • Name: Debi Age:46 Height:5'4" Start Weight (1st November):218 Goal Weight (1December): 210 29th October: 218 5th November: 12th November: 19th November: 26nd November: 3rd December: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: **Thanks for the motivation. It's just what I…
  • Just keep reminding yourself that this is a journey and be kind to yourself. Sickness happens. You are going to be sick, happy, sad, healthy, rich, poor, in love, devastated etc... You are the one who controls what goes in your body through all of this. So be good to yourself and keep on track. Life is going to happen no…
  • Oh yes, Goodies in there right now and one of my downfalls, NACHOS!!! But, I've planned and so I'm ok. I also work at a clinic and we have drug reps who bring in some pretty great unplanned lunches! GRRR!! I mean, I like them and all but the unplanned thing is tricky!! Sometimes I eat them and other times I just steer…
  • Um, OK.... You didn't read the thread, did you? No one would tell you not to do it. It has been posted multiple times, within this thread, which individuals the notion of 1200 might be too low is for, and why many point it out. [/quote] So, not sure what you are trying to say here by trying to call me out? I was giving my…
  • First of all, Congrats on your overall weight loss! Second, as far as when to start back on track, think about this scenario. If you were at the top of a flight of stairs and fell down a couple of steps and caught yourself would you then look at the rest of the flight of stairs and throw yourself down them? NOOO, so why do…
  • It's your body and you know what works for you. Plain and simple. With all the voices in the world sometimes it's easy to want to listen to this or that especially when we so want to lose the weight but when it come down to it, you have to do what is right for you. Right now, I am on 1200 and am not in any way depriving…
  • Super Congrats!! The first week you usually drop it like it's hot! LOL! But yeah, Congrats and here's to many more weeks of successful weigh ins! :)
  • That's impressive! Great job I know it didn't come easy!!!
  • My goal will be to go down 3lbs by the end of the month. I just found this group and love daily/monthly small doable/reachable goals. I will acheive my goal by logging in my food everyday and sticking to my eating plan. I will also be more active and do lunch walks. BTW, I'm new here. My name is Debi and I've lost 105lbs…