I lost more weight than I was supposed to.

Last monday I started working out at the gym and counting calories, with an app called "Lose it!". The app allotted me 1836 calories to eat in addition to whatever calories I burned working out. It gave me an option of plans and I chose the lose 2 pounds per week plan. I weighed myself today and I had lost 6 pounds. So, my question is, does anyone know why I would lose more than I thought I would(not complaining). Also I guess it's worth mentioning that I did stick the allotted calories, but went 671 calories under. Thanks guys and gals!


  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    In the beginning the body tends to lose a lot of water weight. Totally normal, just don't expect that rate to continue.
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    Water weight
  • divinedivasceo
    divinedivasceo Posts: 12 Member
    Super Congrats!! The first week you usually drop it like it's hot! LOL! But yeah, Congrats and here's to many more weeks of successful weigh ins! :)