Crap! The sickness took hold of me!

Day 3 of this journey and I feel a setback brewing. I have 3 kids, 2 are school age. They have brought home their filthy germs. What do YOU do to not completely go backwards and fully lose momentum when illness presents itself? Kind of desperate for ideas... if only to keep me sane!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you're ill, rest up and eat at maintenance till you feel better... not sure why it has to be a setback?
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Broth soups are comforting and low calorie.
    Make chicken noodle soup without the noodles, instead use extra veggies :)

    Get enough rest. Drink a lot of water and tea.
    Take a multivitamin and medicine if you need it.
  • Tigg_
    Tigg_ Posts: 43 Member
    I can relate. I've been quite poorly lately and tend to crave things that probably aren't the best!

    I decided though that I wouldn't deny those cravings as such - mine was cheese - but I would work it in to my calorie goal. So when I wanted the cheese, I did have it but with a sensible portion and that seems to have worked well for me.

  • divinedivasceo
    divinedivasceo Posts: 12 Member
    Just keep reminding yourself that this is a journey and be kind to yourself. Sickness happens. You are going to be sick, happy, sad, healthy, rich, poor, in love, devastated etc... You are the one who controls what goes in your body through all of this. So be good to yourself and keep on track. Life is going to happen no matter what. You might as well be fit! :) You can do this!! :)
  • fitasacello
    fitasacello Posts: 34 Member
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Phew! I totally thought there was going to be poop somewhere in the equation with that title.

    First, be glad poop isn't some where in the equation.

    Then, what these wise people said. Aim for maintenance and give yourself a break.

    Just breathe, and be nice to yourself.
  • greenstar25
    greenstar25 Posts: 45 Member
    Same thing happened to me not long ago. I was so good dieting and working out, and then I got a horrible cold, and I was miserable and wondering how to continue with my exercise once this cold is over because i was so weak that I couldn't even imagine being able to lift a 5 lb dumbbell anymore). I was surprised that after a few days when I felt good again and started my exercise again, I was pretty much able to continue as before. Anyway, you have to remember that this is you're not doing for a few weeks but for the rest of your life, so if you miss a few days because of illness it really doesn't matter. There will always be times like this and you have to suck it up and do the best you can. During my cold I couldn't exercise but I continued with my diet as good as I could (not logging the food but staying within my calorie limit). As for right now, your body needs rest, so you can bounce back quickly. You go straight to the sofa, the kids can watch tv ;-)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I swear by Zircam and Cold-Eeze as soon as I get sick. One of those every 3 hours plus those emergen-c fizzy drinks and it's gone in a couple days. Otherwise, I rest and eat at maintenance. I take it seriously because I've been hospitalized because of asthma following a cold, and I really don't want that to happen again, or even just be put on steroids.
  • Equus3nMom
    Equus3nMom Posts: 42 Member
    I got it too. I'm just resting, drinking tons of water. Eating healthy foods with lots of vitamins, plenty of protein and watching the calories very strictly since I don't have the energy to workout. It will happen - you'll get sick, have times when your ability to live this lifestyle is a challenge. Take it as a training opportunity - train yourself to keep taking care of yourself for the long term even if these few days its harder.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Being ill should in no way affect your lifestyle change, with the exception of you'll be resting instead of exercising. Exercise is not a requirement of weight loss, a deficit is. Usually when I'm feeling poorly I eat less, so there should be no problems.
    Feel better soon!
  • sarahjean1983
    First post in, and I totally love all of you and this site! I set up some pillows and blankets on the floor and called it a movie day with the two young ones. The one year old thought it was insanely fun to climb all over me while the 4yr old was content with the extra snuggles. I felt so good yesterday after getting in some good exercise so I completely felt defeated this morning when my energy was zapped. I've had no appetite, no thirst just blegh. Forcing water down and some crackers and keeping my mind on my goal. Thank you everyone for your input!