kyleeann15 Member


  • I really like bodypump though i havent made it to a class in a while. I would track it under weight lifting/strength training. You can put that into the search bar under cardiovascular.
  • I am at 156 right now and my current goal is 145. Ive been135 incollege so we will see what happens when I hit my 145
  • 30 lbs is amazing! Since January Ive lost 20so keep it up girlfriend!
  • also! @nisijam5 I did the New England Warrior Dash in June and it was AMAZINGLY fun and not as hard as we anticipated...I want to hear about yours!!
  • Well Hello there team!! My name is Kylee and I am 25...and a half. I work as an autism interventionist, I love my job and I love being outside, spending time with my closest friends. I am outgoing and always up for a challenge as well!!! I am hoping this will help bust out my last 15 pounds Id like to shed.. I am also from…
  • These are great to read after I just indulged on BBQ chips at a bday party :-) haha Thinking twice!
  • It definitely is a good idea to take a rest to break through plateaus. I was just going through one of my own and I was not being a very good girl about getting to the gym for about a week. My goal weight is 145 right now (I would like to eventually be down to 135) and I was stuck at 160 for a while. After I considered my…
  • pita chips and hummus!!! Thats just one idea....sooo yummy and filling! drinks??
  • I do the same thing! I have found that once I have it layed out I dont need to worry about it, or think about it too much. I can focus the rest of my day on what workouts I want to do, or just enjoy the day!! :-) Its much more stress free...thanks for sharing!
  • So true.
  • I am so impressed!!! Way to go!! What is your goal weight??
  • You should definitely modify it as you need to. When I started p90x (and Ill be honest, I only do it when I cant make it to the gym..which isnt very often) I was only doing it twice a week. The good thing about the ab ripper though is that once you have done it a couple times you remember the exercises and then can do them…
  • I would like something too but NOT spend a ton of I being a bit too selfish...for myself??
  • wow! What a common theme for sure...add one more WW drop out for me! I did lose 14lbs in 3 months and have stayed at this current weight and I have been doing this for 3 weeks....kind of frustrating but I like and I think its all about getting into the swing of a new plan :-) Go us!
  • Thats great!! Welcome and you definitely will find support here. Even just scanning other message boards and seeing other peoples diaries and/or tickers...its so motivating!!
  • When did you start P90x and how is it going?? I have the set but I only do it really on my days i cant make it to the my results are either pretty typical or not typical ;-)
  • I started doing weight watchers in January and lost 14lbs by March. Then I decided to bag that and do this. The first day I started must have been a low water weight week because I weghed in 162...since then, I have been UP to either 164 or 165....and its definitely not what Ive been eating or how much I work out...because…
  • I LOVE LOVE Kinect!! I fire up Dance Central whenever I get the chance. I dont actually own it but my boyfriend's roommate does so I can only do it every now and then; but when I do it, I sweat! Such a fun way to burn lots of calories!