Ab ripperX

just curious about something from my fellow P90x er's. do most of you do ab ripper only on the specified days ? or do you do it more often ? also do you follow the ab ripper program as instructed or do you modify it some ??


  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I've only done it once so far (just started P90X and still working out the kinks/figuring out my P90X/Insanity Hybrid becasue the P90X cardio is way too easy for me).... Anyways, I couldn't do all the Ab Ripper X moves completely correctly, or all of the reps. I plan to just keep trying, working until I get it right and complete, on the recommended schedule (basically every other day).
  • kyleeann15
    kyleeann15 Posts: 18 Member
    You should definitely modify it as you need to. When I started p90x (and Ill be honest, I only do it when I cant make it to the gym..which isnt very often) I was only doing it twice a week. The good thing about the ab ripper though is that once you have done it a couple times you remember the exercises and then can do them on your own without the dvd. The benefit from that is that you can do the moves in a different order which is best for your abs...muscle confusion. Also- I learned from a trainer from my gym that abs shoouldnt be done two days in a row...so dont overdue it :-)
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    only on specified days... i cant do all reps of all the moves but even if i could i wouldnt do more than the times specified. he even says on there you should only do it then and not everyday
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    just curious about something from my fellow P90x er's. do most of you do ab ripper only on the specified days ? or do you do it more often ? also do you follow the ab ripper program as instructed or do you modify it some ??

    Don't do it more often, it is intense and your abs need time to recover. I modify the fifer scissors as I am not flexible enough to put the top leg straight up, and holding it on an angle makes it even harder than their version.
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    I only do it on the days you're supposed to do it. Your core muscles need rest too. I can't do all the reps that they do in the video. I usually push pause once or twice. Take an extra break. Do as many as I can with proper form. Quality over quantity.
  • kyleeann15
    kyleeann15 Posts: 18 Member
    Do as many as I can with proper form. Quality over quantity.

    So true.
  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    Everyone seemed to answer your question very well.
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    thanks for the answers everyone...thats what i was thinking.....