frankie_xox Member


  • If you're into yoga at all (or if you like hip hop/tribal/dance music) you might like Buti Yoga. You can subscribe to the workouts for $13/month and they change the videos every week so you don't get bored of doing the same thing over and over (like with DVDs, which drives me nuts). There is also a supportive Facebook…
  • I have a vegetable spiralizer that makes it a bit more fun to add things to salads or to add zucchini to a pasta dish (or replace the pasta all together). Also, you could try looking for some different salad recipes that are more substantial/meal sized with protein and lots of veggies. I also like to roast peppers or sweet…
  • I also drink lots of pop and eat candy/sweets (not excessive amounts, but I have never not eaten something when I wanted it) and have no cavities. Perhaps there are other issues there and it would've been nice of the dentist to try to pinpoint the issue rather than make the assumption that these things were the problem.
  • The only was to get a somewhat accurate idea of calories burned when working out is by using a heart rate monitor. Most people on here will log what the machine says or what MFP says and then only eat back half of those extra exercise calories to account for the inaccuracies - that way you don't accidentally over eat.…
  • Skinnytaste is a good website with lots of lower-calories versions of recipes. You could look for the things you like to eat but make them be lower calorie so you can enjoy them (while still having a reasonable-sized portion). It's great to say that you can keep eating everything in smaller quantities, but I know lots of…
  • If you're not hungry before your workout, then you could just wait to eat dinner when you get home. If you're starving before the workout and don't have the energy to complete it, then eat a snack beforehand (something small with protein to fill you up would probably be good - hard boiled egg, nuts, cheese, yogurt, protein…
  • I don't know about getting a beach body by summer, but if you just want to work on self-love and acceptance and be supported by a group of women who are pretty good at lifting each other up, check out and request to be a part of the facebook group (or check out if there are any live classes in your area!) The…
  • Have you tried frozen and canned veggies? May not be as ideal as fresh, but cheaper and still nutritious.
  • What do you have your weight loss rate set to? If you have it set to 2 pounds per week, you could set it to 1.5 or 1 pound per week and you'll be given more calories to work with while still eating at a deficit. If it's already at 1 pound per week, then you may need to research some more calorie-dense foods that will help…
  • Try adding some milled/ground flaxseed to your morning smoothie.
  • You could try this. I haven't done the workouts, but it's by the creator of another program that I do (the one I do is designed for women). HIIT workouts that are quick and I don't think they use a lot of equipment, so you wouldn't have to wait a long time at the gym... Edit: if you search…
  • this is the best idea if you're not able to accurately to log what you're eating. i bet you'd be surprised at how quickly those tastes add up!
  • I recently skipped breakfast because of the way my morning went and noticed that I wasn't really feeling hungry until lunch time anyway. If you know you're going to want to eat a bigger dinner and snack in the evening, can you try waiting to eat in the day until you actually feel hungry? I realized that I was "wasting"…
  • Can I just say how jealous I am of people struggling to eat 3000 calories a day? I don't think I'd have much problem doing that...
  • I drink plain tap water at home and I drink water from a water cooler at work. I have a Brita water pitcher, but took out the filter! I like cold water, but don't care about the filtering. At work, I drink from a glass water bottle. At home I just drink from a normal glass and don't measure - but I also don't have a target…
  • lol I'm 28 and also thought I was young. what a rude awakening :wink:
  • I'm 5'5" and my starting weight was 202 right after Christmas - highest ever :neutral: My current weight is about 196. I used to weigh 150 about 5 years ago and wanted to lose 20 pounds then, so my goal weight is around 130-135. I would even be happy to lose 15-20 pounds by August. I have not had a lot of success staying…
  • I'm 28 years old and have drank copious amounts of diet coke in my lifetime and have no cavities or any other teeth problems.
  • This is the hardest part of losing weight!
  • I hadn't really given it much thought before - I just drank the shake or had breakfast. But if I got to lunch today and was not hungry, then maybe I can save morning calories for later in the day, since I seem to be eating extra later in the day anyway!
  • Work by Rhianna feat. Drake is the only song I've been listening to for a couple of days!
  • Also, since you've lost 20 pounds, you may need to adjust your calorie intake to continue losing weight? I've never lost enough weight to have to worry about this, but I've seen on other threads that once you've lost weight, you need to make sure you put that new weight in your settings so that your target recalculates to…
  • Not sure what style you practice, but even if it's not burning a lot of calories you're likely to build some muscle in lots of poses.
  • Try different types of workouts. Maybe what you've been doing up to now isn't very fun! Go to different classes at the gym (even ones that sound silly or intimidating - you may enjoy them!) Try a dance class or joining a team sport. Look into a walking/running group or make a list of hikes/walks that you want to do in your…
  • I do Buti Yoga at home. It's best if you have some yoga background, but it's not necessary. You can subscribe for $13/month, which gets you four different workouts each week. (Or you can do a full subscription with like 100 workouts to choose from and 4 new ones are added every month, but that is probably more than you're…
  • If you go to a supplement store, you can often get single serving samples of protein powders - it's going to be important to find one that you actually like (they are sort of an acquired taste, in my opinion). I see some people suggesting to mix with milk/juice, but you can also try coconut water - I find that gives the…
  • I'm visiting my parents in Florida for Christmas - going on December 19 and aiming to lose 10 pounds by then! I am starting at 192. Hoping to be at 182 by Christmas! Stay motivated, everyone :)
  • I like to sweeten it with maple syrup and some strawberries or pineapple. I don't LOVE the taste of honey, so I find that doesn't help the flavor of the yogurt for me!
  • I don't meal prep, but I menu plan. Before I get groceries every week, I sit down and plan what I'm going to have for dinner each night. It's always different stuff so it's not boring. I usually plan to eat leftovers of dinner for lunch the next day and I drink a protein shake for breakfast. The shake can get boring, but…
  • I'll be visiting my parents in Florida for Christmas and I have a goal of losing 10 pounds by the time we go on December 19! Good luck everyone!