Having a hard time finding my exercise groove.....

I am having a really hard time finding my exercise groove....

I tried using FitStar but it's too slow - you have to stop all the time and enter whether it was easy or hard and how much completed. Plus it's hard to use a a gym.

I tried Workout Trainer and JeFit but didn't like them very much. Generic workouts, too much rest time in between sets (feel like I am sitting around 1/2 the time). Plus they all want me to do tons of cardio (run on treadmill 30 minutes to start - use elypitcal 30 minutes to end - workout in middle) - that is a long time at gym.

Tried Daily Burn but could not keep up PLUS hard to use at gym.

Tried downloading workout plans from various websites but always find myself waiting on equipment or they don't have the equipment I need at all and I am forced to walk around and try to improvise.

The one thing I do well is walk. I use the track and walk for 15 minutes to start the workout. I would rather be running but even a slow job causes severe pain in my shins, side of feet, bottom of feet, and side of calf. I end up not being able to work out (or walk) after so I have to stick with walking.....sucks!

I just feel like I am wasting so much time and not spending it wisely. Need to get smart about this and fast!!!

- Was thinking of buying a TRX SUSPENSION TRAINER and going and using it in one of the group fitness rooms (they are always empty). That way there are no interruptions, no lines, etc.

- On a similar note was thinking maybe I could find some sort of bodyweight routine or dumbell routine and go into that same room and workout alone.

- Was thinking it might be really smart to get 1 personal training session (1/2 hour) and have the guy design a workout during my 5:30pm workout time when all the equipment is being used and the gym is packed. He will be able to find things I can do that I am probably not even thinking of right - ways to work around the lines at equipment? I am just scared cuz the last time I got a trainer session I was on the ground huffing and puffing and couldn't continue half way through - he pushed way too hard.

Are there any workouts you loved when you started?

Can you think of any good workouts/plans maybe I could try?


  • agalle202
    agalle202 Posts: 36 Member
    try superset workouts I usually rest 30seconds or less before reps. so for example today I am doing arms.. 1st set is Reverse Barbell curls 12reps then triceps on a machine overhead 12reps, then repeat 10reps both, 8reps both... 2nd Set dumbell Curls 12reps tricep pushdowns 12reps then repeat 10,8 both workouts switching each time... 3rd set close hand barbel to chest 12reps, then hammer curls 12 reps then 10,8.... 4th set barbel curl 12reps, behind head tricep dumbell raise 12, 10,8 each workout.. then go to machine Tricep push downs 12, 10, 8.. then Jog or walk on incline for 20mins... maybe try something like this.. look up super set workouts if you have limited time in the gym and are looking to feel it the next day and feel accomplished
  • ColoradoDan
    ColoradoDan Posts: 85 Member
    I will.
  • frankie_xox
    frankie_xox Posts: 46 Member
    edited April 2016
    http://xyworkout.myshopify.com/ You could try this. I haven't done the workouts, but it's by the creator of another program that I do (the one I do is designed for women). HIIT workouts that are quick and I don't think they use a lot of equipment, so you wouldn't have to wait a long time at the gym...

    Edit: if you search on youtube or sign up on for the newsletter, you might get a free workout to try out.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Just want to say walking is awesome. Don't feel like walking "isn't enough". It's really important. The more of it you can do and can incorporate into your life the better. I believe according to the National Weight Loss Registry it's the most common exercise people who've lost and maintained weight do every day. Good on you for wanting to do more, but don't feel like walking isn't a good foundation.
  • ColoradoDan
    ColoradoDan Posts: 85 Member
    Just want to say walking is awesome. Don't feel like walking "isn't enough". It's really important. The more of it you can do and can incorporate into your life the better. I believe according to the National Weight Loss Registry it's the most common exercise people who've lost and maintained weight do every day. Good on you for wanting to do more, but don't feel like walking isn't a good foundation.


  • ColoradoDan
    ColoradoDan Posts: 85 Member
    Downloaded some new apps to try out today:

    Total Fitness
    Shortcut 2 Shred
    Fitness & Bodybuilding
  • You got this, @ColoradoDan, just keep moving. You will start to feel better and want to do more and more. I have been slacking myself and have committed that tonight, I will hit the treadmill for at least 20 minutes and do some weight training after. You are doing great, don't stop.....keep on moving my friend. :wink:
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    The one thing I do well is walk. I use the track and walk for 15 minutes to start the workout. I would rather be running but even a slow job causes severe pain in my shins, side of feet, bottom of feet, and side of calf. I end up not being able to work out (or walk) after so I have to stick with walking.....sucks!

    I don't understand why more people don't ride bikes. Running is a chore, cycling is fun. If you'd rather be running than walking, but can't because running is too high impact, cycling is another fast sport that's very low impact. It can be fantastic cardio, it can be transportation, or just a way to get out and enjoy the scenery. Very easy to start but you can continue to challenge yourself as you progress.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    The main thing is to find something you enjoy and will stick with. Walking is good! Weight lifting is also great, and it can help preserve muscle you already have while losing weight.
    I understand the struggle of finding a program and equipment not being available. I like to pick a muscle group to focus on, and I just work with what I have available at the time. (Yesterday I wanted to do legs. I prefer to squat first as bigger movements are the most fatiguing and can require more rest, but the gym was busy with students. So I did a lot of work on the leg press instead. Good thing because it was 45 minutes before a squat rack opened up!! :s ) Finding bodyweight or dumbbell workouts you can do at home are also great, and then you don't have to worry about waiting for equipment.
    Anything that gets you moving will help though, whether it be lifting, walking, swimming, basketball, etc etc! Nothing wrong with trying things out first to see what feels right for you.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    edited April 2016
    The one thing I do well is walk. I use the track and walk for 15 minutes to start the workout. I would rather be running but even a slow job causes severe pain in my shins, side of feet, bottom of feet, and side of calf. I end up not being able to work out (or walk) after so I have to stick with walking.....sucks!

    I don't understand why more people don't ride bikes.

    Some of us are uncoordinated. :D

    I'd say walking has the lowest barrier to entry...put shoes on, go.

    Followed by running, put slightly more expensive shoes on, workout clothes, go.

    Biking I have to purchase a bike or spin bike or get access to a gym. Biking outside you tend to have to deal with traffic a lot more than walking/running. I run outside (not on a treadmill) so I'm going to bike I'd like to bike outside, but there is some cost involved for that. And like I said, the traffic thing really puts me off.
  • ColoradoDan
    ColoradoDan Posts: 85 Member
    I have a beach cruiser bike - I bike around the neighborhood sometimes but never feel like I am working out really. Tried riding it to work but I don't think beach cruisers are made for long distance or exercising for some reason. I think you need something more like a road bike or mountain bike. I feel like I am not doing much when I am sitting up straight, leaning back, and cruising on the beach cruiser - ha ha.

    I don't work out at home - have all he equipment and a specific gym room but being that it's in my own house I never end up doing it. I have to get out of the house and get to a gym. I have to be paying for that gym so I feel obligated to go. I feel silly at the gym doing bodyweight stuff (that could be done at home) but hey - whatever gets you moving is what you gotta do. So I go to the gym.

    Just need to find a workout I understand (most moves workout apps list I have no idea what they are. Also need to find something that isn't boring, and that I can do without having to wait for equipment (I am not good at improvising). I would love to find a sport but most are team sports - I roll solo.

    Was also thinking of maybe trying to find something to train for (i.e. mud run) - maybe that would help me knowing I paid $300 to be in a race and can't do it without training.

  • ColoradoDan
    ColoradoDan Posts: 85 Member
    As it gets to be warmer I wonder if just riding my bike to work (3 miles) and back five days a week is enough exercise. It takes me 17 minutes each way on my beach cruiser. Pretty flat - one hill.

  • evastar
    evastar Posts: 32 Member
    edited April 2016
    I have been doing daily 4 minute HIIT workouts, found free on Lucy Wyndham-Read's YouTube channel. So quick and doable, and surpringly, effective.
  • jase2004uk
    jase2004uk Posts: 7 Member
    Search for HASFIT - its free and I'm sure you'll find something that suits
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    So, don't work out. You don't need to exercise to lose weight. You just need to eat less.

    I didn't get serious about fitness until I was nearly a normal weight.
  • ColoradoDan
    ColoradoDan Posts: 85 Member
    I know I don't have to work out - great losses already just eating better. But I want to feel stronger and healthier too ya know.