

  • On May 14th I had both ovaries and tubes removed because of non-cancerous/hormone producing tumors. I had no periods for 8 years then this tumor caused me to go backwards with bleeding, pain, abdominal swelling, acne and rapid weight gain. I lost the pain, acne and belly but kept some of the weight which is why I am here.…
  • I am sort of new here but I was menopausal for 8 years then had a bleed in January with a large belly and fast weight gain. Long story short, I had a hormone producing non-cancerous tumor. I had both ovaries and tubes removed in May so I am surgically officially post menopause. Prior to January I could lose weight fairly…
  • Kim, Thank you for the welcome and I am from the Poconos of Pa.
  • Being a newbie, I am so inspired by all the weight loss I see here! Congrats to you all!!!! A little bit about me.... I am 51 and menopause for 8 years till I had a bleed in January. With that bleed came a very bloated belly. So bloated I could not get any of my pants on. This continued along with belly pressure, breast…
  • Congrats!!!!!! And I bet the cat/cats are happy too! :)
  • Homemade soup or a salad with a half a can of tuna or 2 hard boiled eggs with grape tomatoes and two or 3 black olives is what I like. :)
  • Please add me too! I started my serious diet yesterday and joined here today.
  • Good Luck! I am a newbie as of today. I gained about 15 pounds in a few months.....quit smoking, was menopause 8 years then had a bleed, long story short, hormone producing tumor on my ovary. Had both removed with tubes. I am 4 weeks post op tomorrow so I can't exercise yet. The tumor caused my belly to swell and I think…