

  • slim fast 123 bars apples sugar free hot cocoa coffee with splenda almonds sunflower seeds bananas frozen grapes Cheese (low fat) Can you tell I love my snacks! lol I am always looking out for healthy little snacks. I keep thing sin my drawer at work, so I am not tempted by all of the donuts and candy that lurk in our…
  • Count out your chips. I think 12 is a serving. You can buy the snack size then you do not have to deal with left overs. Use ground chicken breast, if you want meat. Season it with onions, garlic powder, onion powder, cumin and chili powder. I add a little water because the chicken breast is dry. You can also add some salsa…
  • That is AWESOME! Thanks for sharing your story. Now go out and work those jeans!
  • Welcome! And good for you for making a change!
    in Hello! Comment by bmarsh777 April 2010
  • Ok so if you KNOW sugar is a weakness for you then do not keep it in the house. It would be like people in an alcoholic or drug addict's family keeping their drug or liquid of choice because "there are other people in the house that use it." If it is too hard for you to resist, then other family members can make the…
  • That is awesome! Keep it up. Before you know it you will be a teen again! lol (wish it worked that way)! Congrats!
  • Consider yourself kicked! Enjoy the gravelling and then get your butt up in the morning and work it work it work it! hehehehe And drink lots of water!
  • Good for you! I too was craving Chinese tonight, but instead got a rottissiere chicken and it was WONDERFUL! Making changes is sometimes hard, but it is great when it is easy! Keep it up! Beth
  • I know exactly how you feel! It is up to you really. If you think you are going to be too discouraged then don't look. If you think it will help then look. :) Personally I try to only weigh once per week, on Monday mornings. That is the only weight I count and when I check in here with weight updates. If I do it everyday,…
  • Thanks for all the Kudos! It feels great.
  • Good for you! I have been here about three weeks and actually look forward to signing on and writing down what I eat! It is easy to use the encouragement from others is awesome! Good luck on your journey to a healthier you!
  • Hi Atlmom... I guess the first question you might want to ask yourself is do you believe you deserve to BE attractive and healthy? It seems when people start to give you positive feedback you begin to self-sabatoge. Seems like you have turned those words "Baby fat" into a friend and don't want to let it go. It was a term…
  • Wow sounds like you are going through a tough time! Also seems like you might have a little caregiver fatigue. Yes you do need to be nice to yourself! But not with food...that is not being nice to yourself. Call a friend and plan a coffee or tea date. If you don't have a live support system - - get one. There should be…