Feel crap, fed up, pigged out.

psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
That just about sums it up for today. Neck really aching when I went to bed last night. Still hurting when I woke up this morning, prob glands. Also throat feels swollen but not sore. I usually fight stuff off in the early stages so did my usual of necking some orange juice which usually helps (prob psychological, but hey, whatever works eh?).

Missed lunch but bought a load of olives so ate them instead then followed them up with a latte - skinny not available.

Ate rest of olives on way home from work.

Wasn't able to do my usual exercise group straight after work and just felt too exhausted to do it after I'd sat down for a bit at home.

Had a pig out.

Bit cross with myself but know it's not the end of the world.

Will hopefully feel well enough to do some exercise tomorrow.

Somebody give me a kick up the rear please?


  • alliejo
    alliejo Posts: 23
    Sorry to hear you had a bad day.....your not alone....I did too! I guess all we can do is start FRESH tomorrow!
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    its ok as long as u did not pig out on excessive carbs and sugars you should be grand :flowerforyou:
  • psychicteabag
    psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks alliejo, glad to hear I'm not alone.

    I'm just really cheesed off as I planned to have a bit of a cheat over the weekend, nothing major, but I've done it today and wasted it on nothing that was really great to eat.

    I'm just hoping I feel okay tomorrow so that I can try and repair some of the damage.

    What did you do that was so bad today?
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    oh don't worry, I just had a 3000+ calorie dinner with my lovely Hubby, and am as happy as larry. I don't consider myself on a diet, I am having a life style change and so eat better, exercise more and like myself. Don't feel like you fail because of one day, feel like you are doing well because you know what eating like that EVERYDAY would do to you and you don't. Feel OK about living your life.
  • psychicteabag
    psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member
    its ok as long as u did not pig out on excessive carbs and sugars you should be grand :flowerforyou:

    Er.... went a bit over on carbs and I just remembered I forgot to log the 2 sugars I had in the latte. I made my diary public so feel free to have a peep then come back and shout at me ;-)
  • psychicteabag
    psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member
    oh don't worry, I just had a 3000+ calorie dinner with my lovely Hubby, and am as happy as larry. I don't consider myself on a diet, I am having a life style change and so eat better, exercise more and like myself. Don't feel like you fail because of one day, feel like you are doing well because you know what eating like that EVERYDAY would do to you and you don't. Feel OK about living your life.

    Aw, that's nice. I think if I'd had a lovely meal, or something really scrummy to eat, I would be able to chalk it up as a special day and be done with it. Because I frittered most of my calories away sat at my desk and on the bus (olives) and dunking biscuits in a mug of tea when I should have been at boot camp, I didn't get a huge amout of satisfaction from it.

    You're right though, it's only one day. I'm just impatient and in a bit of a sulk because I don't feel well.
  • bmarsh777
    bmarsh777 Posts: 15
    Consider yourself kicked! Enjoy the gravelling and then get your butt up in the morning and work it work it work it! hehehehe And drink lots of water!
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    awww bless you, I totally feel your pain- it makes me feel awful when I break my diet- I feel like I've ruined everything but I think as long as you don't just give up because of one bad day, everything will be fine! I looked at your food diary, maybe over tomorrow and the next day you could try to sort of reclaim lost calories? like instead of having your goal of 1500, try doing two days of 1250? I know thats not really how dietting works but it might make you feel better. Also, never realised how fattening olives are- so glad I don't like them! xxx
  • psychicteabag
    psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member
    Consider yourself kicked! Enjoy the gravelling and then get your butt up in the morning and work it work it work it! hehehehe And drink lots of water!

    Lol :bigsmile:

    I am thinking of taking the dogs out quickly and turning into bed before midnight. My options are get up and go to boot camp for 9am or a run on the beach instead. I will probably burn more calories at boot camp but I can take the dogs with me to the beach so kill 2 birds with one stone. It will still be raining tomorrow but it won't matter. Although I'd better check the tide times to make sure there will be some beach.
  • psychicteabag
    psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member
    awww bless you, I totally feel your pain- it makes me feel awful when I break my diet- I feel like I've ruined everything but I think as long as you don't just give up because of one bad day, everything will be fine! I looked at your food diary, maybe over tomorrow and the next day you could try to sort of reclaim lost calories? like instead of having your goal of 1500, try doing two days of 1250? I know thats not really how dietting works but it might make you feel better. Also, never realised how fattening olives are- so glad I don't like them! xxx

    Thanks :smile:

    I will try your suggestion. I think I will make sure I do some exercise both Saturday and Sunday so that I can still have close to 1,500 calories but not eat my exercise ones to make up for today.

    Olives are fattening but I suppose they were a better option for me than chocolate, crisps or cheese. Or a dirty great big sandwich.
  • ah don't .worry about it, there is always a reason for great article by Valerie bertinelli about her diet struggles. puts it all in perspective. there are a million diets out there and one will be right for you. hang in there and start fresh tomorrow. don't beat yourself up. and PRAY for God to help you with every bite!!!!:heart::love:
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    yeah chocolate is so my weakness- and whenever someone eats bread near me, I swear I can smell it and I'm like oh dear god! Yeah if you exercise then you'll burn off the excess and feel great I'm sure! just don't be sad, pma all the way! xxx
  • psychicteabag
    psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member
    ah don't .worry about it, there is always a reason for great article by Valerie bertinelli about her diet struggles. puts it all in perspective. there are a million diets out there and one will be right for you. hang in there and start fresh tomorrow. don't beat yourself up. and PRAY for God to help you with every bite!!!!:heart::love:

    Thanks. I think I have found the right thing for me with mfp. It's the only thing that's ever really 'clicked' with me. I reckon once I've got down to a weight I'm happy with, I won't feel so bad about the odd blip but because I'm impatient to fit into my clothes comfortably, it matters more at the moment.
  • psychicteabag
    psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member
    yeah chocolate is so my weakness- and whenever someone eats bread near me, I swear I can smell it and I'm like oh dear god! Yeah if you exercise then you'll burn off the excess and feel great I'm sure! just don't be sad, pma all the way! xxx

    Must admit, I like chocolate and actually had some within my calories yesterday, but I never crave it. Bread I love! Trying to only have it occasionally instead of considering it a vital part of almost every meal.

    Will report back tomorrow on exercise calories I've clawed back. Now I've put it down in black and white I have to keep to it, yes? :wink:
  • It's only human to be impatient to get to our goal...but it is also human to mess up. As long as you realize it was a "mess up" and you are going to get over it and get back on track, there is no reason to beat yourself up about it. Be proud of yourself that you are ready to make up for it!
  • Everyone has their down days, don't kick yourself too much. Just pick yourself up again tomorrow and make sure that down day doesn't turn into three, four, a week etc:)
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    Yes, now its on here it's the law that you have to regain through exercise over the weekend. The Myfitnesspal gods have spoken. xxx
  • sandra68
    sandra68 Posts: 10 Member
    I had a bad day today too... I have been very good not eating junk at work but today there was CAKE! Its been long time since cake with frosting went in this mouth... and now.. I know why. It was just a very very small piece but well a very very small brownie too, but it did not agree with me. Lesson learned. Not worth it for me. I was upset with myself and had a sundae at McD's but thats okay. Tomorrow is another day. Don't be too hard on yourself. Maybe you remember how you feel now when/if you want to "pig out" again.
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    OK, now you have been kicked twice...feel better?

    GET BACK ON TRACK!!! One day is fine...BUT DON'T LET THIS BE YOUR EXCUSE!!!!!!!!! :love:
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