JoJoLtd Member


  • True...been doing for so long now though it's integral to my life and does feel effortless :)
  • There's a lot of pizza and other carb-heavy food in your diet, your macro ratios are not geared towards weight-loss when you're barely getting 10% of your calories from protein. Shoot for a 40/30/30 C/P/F ratio and start a solid exercise regime, including lifting weights, walking isn't enough. I am also 5'3" with PCOS and…
  • Blimey...tough crowd here in MFP forums - had never really posted before. Just thought I'd give my 2 pennies worth seeing as I've spent nearly everyday the past 3 months in his company. Of course I don't know for sure - just guessing he isn't at the moment. And yes his legs (calves) are under developed. In other news I…
  • I wasn't selling it! I have no comment on his past trainers/use of enhancements, I couldn't care less either...currently he's not.
  • Yes, he trains hard and his current build suggests natural - but I'm no expert! I'm working with Rooney Mara on this one.
  • I'm sure he wouldn't...I'm just guessing that on his current regime with current trainer that he isn't.
  • I'm currently working with Hugh on Pan and know his trainer well. He's a natty and in person looks way less bulky than on the big screen which is notorious for adding weight to appearance.
  • Leg leg day. Back Squats worked up to 5x5 120lbs Bulgarian Split Squats 3x10 50lbs Stiff Leg Deadlifts 4x8 120lb Barbell Hip Thrusts 4x10 120lbs
  • Great seeing the numbers being lifted by the girls here! Am just starting out my lifting / body recomp journey, currently female (that won't change!) 118lbs and 20% bf, oh and 5'3". Ultimately I'd like to get to a lean 122-125lbs-ish but that's a long long term goal and will take a few rounds of bulk and cut I predict. So…