Sooznine Member


  • My heart rate monitor used to give me an average of about 300.
  • I usually average whatever i get from my various devices and MFP.... :)
  • I ALWAYS go over in sugar. I quit worrying about it. I like sweet stuff. that's me and i will never change. :)
  • When i started this 'thing' in April, i decided to give running another try... i was never athletic in high school- couldn't run a mile then... not that i was heavy, i just couldn't run (or so i thought). I started C25K in May. One of my long time friends is an AVID runner and thought it would be great if we could finally…
  • My son was telling me a story of something "funny" his friend said that included, incidentally, something about how his mom (me) was fat... my son didn't realize what he had said or that it had made such an impact on me.... but i decided then and there i was NOT going to be the 'fat mom'. My own mother was overweight and i…
  • i don't know about successfully made as i am still looking to lose about 10-12 more, but to lose the first 44, i: 1. did the 30 day shred for... 30 days. no skipping. period. this then led to establishing an EVERY day exercise routine. i fully intend to devote 45-60(+) minutes per day to doing something. Only ~10 days…
  • no advice.... right there with you! :)
  • I started MFP, and 2 weeks later i was looking at WW (at work)... i decided to skip paying for WW as this was working (VERY WELL) and was free!
  • I did Jenny Craig ~20 years ago and it was pretty good. It's just not sustainable *after* the program.... that's why i like MFP: you eat the real, normal stuff... just less. It is something you can live with. Also, it worked for me then b/c i was single with no kids, i only had to think about myself. Now, it would be me…
  • I would go to a running shoe store and get professionally fitted. It really made a difference for me. What *i* thought were good shoes, really weren't! But do it soon so you have a chance to get used to them before the race. And good luck!
  • It's IMPOSSIBLE for me to stay under the sugar. I haven't worried about it in the last 5 months and i've lost 40lbs. I've got a sweet tooth and that's never going to change!
  • yea... i found days 3-5 to be the worst. But don't stop... after day 5 it gets better!
  • I work out extra and eat lighter on weekends when i am going out... and still go over once in a while! :) going over one day won't hurt you too much in the long run. The way i see it, the only way to make these changes sustainable is to make them realistic. It is NOT realistic that i will stop going out and having a drink.…
  • i don't remember what week 5 was, but i know the week i did struggle, i talked to my runner-her-whole-life friend and she said to just go slow. Keep going, but go slow... The next time i tried it and i did it. I work on distance first, and then try to pick up pace. I may be slow, but i'm not sitting on the couch. :)
  • my friend had this type of problem and she gave a good friend of hers her password and the friend logged in for her. I would hate to lose my days, too!!!
  • I started running at 191... go for it.
  • I'm 42, my kids are almost 8 and almost 10. I added about 10lbs with each and then an extra 15lbs after 'just for fun' :) But, like a lot of people here, i finally decided it was time for ME. As moms, we give a LOT to our kids, but we have to remember that we are important as well. It doesn't take that much away from the…
  • I drink beer and wine occasionally... work it into the calories allowed... and while it doesn't totally mess things up, it does tend to impede regular progress. We have a weekly outdoor market where we hang out with friends and drink several beers every friday. Before summer, my losses were quicker... since the summer…
  • Week 16, down 29lbs!!! I am so proud of myself. Way to go, you too!
  • i generally don't worry about 200-300 "leftover" calories.... i actually lose more weight if that's where i end up most days.
  • I have only had 5 true rest days since April 18. I mix up the cardio, tho... Running, biking, Strength/cardio intervals, walking. I just don't feel right if i don't do *something* every day... and it sure helps staying under the calorie goal.
  • I started MFP at 191. I'm currently at 165. My goal is 145. I'm roughly 5'8" Thanks!
  • i think it's a little bit jealousy... but people also get "used" to seeing you a certain way. any time you 'change' that, you are changing the norm that they have established for you... if they can't accept that, then they see it as a negative. if they are truly happy for you, then they would see it as a positive, unless…
  • thanks everyone! that is my first time posting pictures. they make me both happy to see (because of the change), but also unhappy because that WAS me. for quite a while....
  • I stayed on level 1 all 30 days and lost about 10lbs. Started Ripped in 30 alternating with 6 Week 6 Pack yesterday....Both of those are butt kickers!
  • I did all 30 days... Days 2-4 are THE WORST. It gets better after 5... :)
  • I did it, but i did extra cardio almost every day. I don't think it's a weight loss program by itself. It does get the ball rolling on toning up, tho. I did it with a bunch of people and most that weren't doing anything else and/or didn't modify their eating didn't lose and some gained. As i said, i did modify my eating…
  • It usually comes out to 320-350 calories via my heart rate monitor watch. Don't quit... do it EVERYday, even when you can't move. By day 4-5 it gets BETTER. Really!