Calories and Alcohol

mina4380 Posts: 17
What to do now that Im trying to stay under 1200 calories and the weekend is here. I like drinking beer and mixed drinks. I dont plan on giving that up, so any suggestions?


  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    I guess you should give up food! lol! I had a chocolate martini recently and was shocked to see it had over 400 calories. I'd just count the calories and limit howmany you are willing to give to alcohol.
  • I just work out extra hard to enjoy a cocktail.
    We actually walk to the bars, too...
    I know, I need help, LOL!
  • If I know I will be drinking, I calculate approx. how many calories and hit the gym to make up for it. I never give up food or my favorite cocktails.
  • try vodka diet coke or other spirit with a diet mixer. 1200 calories is low so it may be hard to have beer aswell without eating less food which will be bad for u. choose weight loss or beer. OR u can do loads of exercise to earn exercise calories and use them on beer, that way u get the best of both worlds, but it may slow dwn ure weight loss
  • If I know I will be drinking, I calculate approx. how many calories and hit the gym to make up for it. I never give up food or my favorite cocktails.

    yup, I do this too! budget how much you think you'll drink and compensate by going to the gym and burning those calories!!! good luck this weekend :D
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    mix your drinks with DIET soda. Not a long term thing (cause there is some evidence sweeteners increase appetite), but for a one-off thing, that'll cut out a lot of unnecessary calories.

    Have a great weekend!
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Exercise and then drink your exercise calories. It only makes sense.
  • dogwhisperette
    dogwhisperette Posts: 177 Member
    There are low cal beer out there. In Canada we have Canadian 67, 67 cal/beer. Mixed drinks can be mixed with a low cal drink.
    Enjoy and have a great weekend!
    Also agree with working out harder on the days you know you are going to be drinking. Hope this helps
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I drink alcohol, mostly wine, just about every day. I just count it as part of my calories. Many times on the weekend I go over, but since I still workout it's usually not that much. I still met my goal. Maybe I would have met it faster had I given up the wine, but I don't intend to give it up forever so it seemed logical that if I didn't find a way to have the wine and lose I'd just gain it back once I was at my goal. And I've not gained any back yet.
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    Bring packets of crystal light with you (my sisters love the fruit punch and pink lemonade flavor) and just ask for vodka and water at the bar, then stir in. I drink Bud Select 55, only 55 calories in a bottle of beer. Tastes almost like beer :-/ I also exercise more to make up for it, but I will never give up my drinks :)
  • I don't go to the bar too often, but I get whiskey and diet coke which is pretty low and at home I have St.Germain with club soda, which is quite low too. Just research how many calories are in drinks you like and go from there, then also work out before you hit the bottle.
  • Sooznine
    Sooznine Posts: 29 Member
    I work out extra and eat lighter on weekends when i am going out... and still go over once in a while! :) going over one day won't hurt you too much in the long run. The way i see it, the only way to make these changes sustainable is to make them realistic. It is NOT realistic that i will stop going out and having a drink. I happen to enjoy beer and wine. It does slow things down a bit, but just stay on track....
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    I take a packet of crystal light to the bars with me and I get a vodka water and then i sprinkle the crystal light packet in!!! SHHHH. lol. It tastes awesome!
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    Jack D and Diet Coke..... only 60-80 calories.... all from the alcohol. LOL.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I'm not big on light beers, but have found that dark beers tend to be lower in calorie than regular beer. If I want a beer I'll exercise a bit extra to earn it.
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    Find out your BMR for maintenance level and drink up to that on the day you want to drink. You won't lose that day, but you won't gain, either. If you only that occasionally you will still lose weight on average.

    Drink spirits or dry wines instead of beer (:sad:) and use calorie-free mixers. Personally, I'm finding that it's easier to decide how much I want to drink, then just do some shots to reach that amount and put the liquor away after that. I'll keep drinking my regular soft drinks (diet or unsweetened soda water and such) through the rest of the night.
  • KENNY1957
    KENNY1957 Posts: 89 Member
  • hdmotorc
    hdmotorc Posts: 3 Member
    Earn extra calories with exercise and look at the calories of the beer you will drink. I for one drink Busch light because I like it and it only has 95 calories per beer. If I run 3miles I burn enough for 4 beers. I have been known to exercise just to eat or drink more. Cheers
  • I've been drinking rum and diet a lot lately! A shot of rum is ~60 calories and Malibu coconut rum is only 51 (and delicious in diet coke or sprite!!) Bud Select 55 is also a good choice for beer, its perfect if you're say, at a tailgate, and drinking large quantities and it still has the same amount of alcohol as a bud light where others such as MGD 64 barely have any alcohol at all! I liked the suggestions of working out extra hard before drinking...that's what I plan on doing tomorrow! Good luck!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I may get blasted for this but, on a 1200 cal diet, there is no room for treats or alcohol of any kind. If you only eat 1200 cals, it is difficult to get the required macro and micro nutrients, if you add empty calories such as alcohol it will be next to impossible to feed your body with the nutrients it needs,

    I would suggest if you want to do this to eat maintenance calories or higher than your 1200 Net, on days you want a drink. So on a normal day if you don't exercise and eat 1200, no room for treats, if you decide to have a treat that should be on top of the 1200 cals, so if you have a beer you should get 1350 on the day (1200 regular cals + 150 from the beer) All this will do is slightly slow your weight loss down, but will not affect your health as much as replacing some of the needed 1200 with alcohol.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Earn extra calories with exercise and look at the calories of the beer you will drink. I for one drink Busch light because I like it and it only has 95 calories per beer. If I run 3miles I burn enough for 4 beers. I have been known to exercise just to eat or drink more. Cheers

    The only reason I would advise against this is when you exercise your body requires extra nutrition, not just extra calories. I think if you do drink then go above your allotted calories for the day to ensure proper nutrition, not just the right amount of calories.
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    I'm not big on light beers, but have found that dark beers tend to be lower in calorie than regular beer. If I want a beer I'll exercise a bit extra to earn it.
    Oh, that's rather dangerous to say since color is a very poor predictor of calories. You may have gotten the idea because Guiness (draft only) IS a rather low-cal beer at 125. It's a dry stout, though. A Russian Imperial stout that looks just like it might have 600-700 Cal per bottle. Newcastle brown ale is relatively low at 140, but a dopplebock of the same color will have 400+.

    Unless you know A LOT about beer, it's hard to predict calories without looking them up. Even when you do know a lot, it's pretty hard.
  • Vodka ( good vodka ) with club soda and an orange slice or lime if they do not have orange is good. Also good vodka on the rocks with orange slice on the side is good to sip. Does anyone know the calories in the flavored vodkas? They are good too but sweeter so I wonder about the calories.
  • Tough one. No fun answer here. Alcohol is made from sugar, which means it is straight carbs. An ounce of alcohol (any kind) is going to be anywhere from 80 to 120 calories. Low calorie beers have a low alcohol content.
    Best advice I could give would be to maybe give up desserts, or other indulgences, then burn some extra calories during every workout. Most importantly, if you are really health conscious, drink conservatively. Maybe volunteer to be the DD every other weekend.
    Good Luck!
  • Alcoholic drinks are derived from grains or fruits. They are high glycemic, high-sugared carbohydrates. Alcohol increases insulin levels, which sabotages your weight loss efforts
  • elzianne
    elzianne Posts: 52 Member
    I avoid artificial sweeteners, so a vodka soda is kind of my go-to low calorie drink. You can also get a tequila soda and ask for a splash of lime juice for some flavor. Sometimes I'll even ask for a single shot in a double glass, that way you get twice as much soda and it makes the drink last a little longer. If you're feeling classy, a flute of champagne is usually under 100 calories.

    Light beer is the way to go to cut calories and carbs.... BUT I'm totally a beer fan, and light beers don't always cut it for me. You'd be surprised how low calorie some beers are. A Guinness Draught has 126 calories – only about 30 calories more than a Bud Light, and A LOT better taste in my opinion :) Stella Artois is a good "bang for your calorie" with 140 calories and 5.2% alcohol content vs. about 4.1% of light beer. My biggest advice is to steer clear of Blue Moon – it is one of the highest calorie beers, and be cautious when ordering a Guinness – while a Guinness Draught is low calorie, a Guinness Extra Stout has about 50 more calories per serving.

    Have a fun, safe weekend!!
  • Good suggestions. Thanks guys!
  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    I wasn't willing to give up wine and beer either. Earlier in the summer I did a taste test of all those super light beers (Bud Select 55, MDG 64) and found one I liked.... other than that, a glass of white wine is around 116 calories, a light beer (not the above) is about 100.....

    If you have the calories, reward yourself.... But if you're going to do a serious splurge like a night one with the girls... I always make sure I burn a ton of calories so I have the extra.

    I do try to stay away from liquor -- just because mixers add up in calories
  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member

    "Go forth,... have a good time" -- HAHA! Love it!

    I really agree with waht people are saying. I want this weight loss to stick long term -- and as such I am going to take into account the fact that I REFUSE to give up my moderately consumed adult beverages. Am I going to be smart about them? Absolutely!
  • For now, I have completely given up on alcohol and sweets. Not just alcohol, but the only liquid I take is water.

    For me, it's about building good habits for life, and I had a lot of bad ones, when it comes to eating. Perhaps, in time, I shall re-incorporate them in, but for now, I'm not close to my goal of 30 kg lost, so I have a ways to go.

    Many years ago, I was a smoker. Quitting smoking was the easiest thing to do, I must have done it hundreds of times! :) Until I finally did it for good. That turkey was freezing! I recognize giving up wine and spirits is not at the same level, but I need to build up good habits. For now, I'm approaching alcohol and sweets, as well as junk food and fast food, like they are the equivalence of cigarettes. Out they go!! Because I have a ways to go.

    On the other hand, having given up these things, I've lost 4-5 kg already in 3 weeks!!
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