

  • Your very lucky! My friends just attempt to buy me ice cream, tell me im ridiculous etc! Sometimes family are good and supportive, sometimes they are not. One in particular is horrific!
  • no - as this is no change to your lifestyle, its why you are asked if you are active, sedentry etc. Like you wouldnt log' dusting your house' just because you lift your arms up and down for 20 mins! If its part of your daily life routine then I personally wouldnt bother as it is no difference than what you did before you…
  • :grumble: WOW!!!! Jealous! i had to build my own :( i just got laughed at :grumble: :brokenheart: :sad:
  • It's when im on a WOD with a long run (i DESPISE running) i just try and picture myself before i started losing weight (last August) the morning where i was bursting out my (UK) size 16 jeans, the biggest i had ever been, refusing to believe i had become a size 18 and fighting on the bed to do the button up, failing…
  • nope. And i was STRICT!
  • i overheard someone at CF class yesterday talking about cocabang jeans..?
  • Hi, I added you too! :) I am also looking for people who are in to crossfit. I'm not new to MFP (just a new profile) but i have only been doing crossfit for a month or so, but now have a membership, going a few times per week (timed with work and being a single mum). could do with friends who can support, advise and i will…
  • I just posted in another topic, about crossfit, I found it an 'easier way in' to weightlifting. I got into it because the trainer i had at the gym ended up getting me to do lots of weights, which wasnt what i thought he would do, and i was even more surprised to find i enjoyed it. When the trainer 'disappeared' and i spoke…
  • I go to crossfit classes, they are really good there, and if you get into it (like i have) you can uild up equipment at home for busy days at work. I too find exercise hard to schedule in as a working mum on my own, and i travel a lot, which i s why i like classes as you can go to them when it is convenient and people are…
  • the old version of weightwatchers (tried 3 years ago just before the newer one came out) worked ok, but lacked 'education'. The new one had minimal effect, and slimming world was AWFUL the lady i had was unhelpful (and larger than me!) i yoyo'd my weight the first time, and the second i gave up after a gained 1/2 stone…
  • Did well for the first 20-25 days, back started to hurt badly (i had severe damage done to me years ago) got so bad on my back i had to stop
    in Insanity? Comment by SMKean90 June 2014
  • No pain no gain! It gets easier with time, if it gets too bad, try a sports massage next time you go, they hurt whilst they are being done but there is NO pain the next morning!
  • As a 'larger than average' cup sized woman, i have lots of trouble, i bought a few from LA fitness, found all very poor, M&s were not comfortable when doing high impact, but loooove my Lonsdale one (plus it has matching pants! :tongue: )
  • i found a good deal on amazon :)
  • Feel free to add me, i have about 28-35lbs to lose I dont keep my diary open though as i see a specialist for what i eat :)
  • The creepies HAVE to go!
  • Best thread ever. Glad I am not the only one who has trouble trying not to fart during strength training!