GalaxyBird Member


  • I have about 100 lbs to lose and my goal is to join the Navy, so I really need to get my butt in gear. Please add me if you are serious about losing weight and being active.
  • This. This. This. This. This is so true. I was thin until I got to college and developed PCOS, being the chubby girl with all skinny, athletic friends SUCKED. Even if I did get attention from guys, I still felt ashamed of myself. I felt shy and embarrassed being with those girls, and then they drive you nuts trying to pull…
    in Sex? Comment by GalaxyBird November 2014
  • haha nice
    in Sex? Comment by GalaxyBird November 2014
  • .
    in Sex? Comment by GalaxyBird November 2014
  • This sounds perfect!
    in Sex? Comment by GalaxyBird November 2014
  • I have been on and off the wagon. Getting back on again and also looking for more pals to motivate and support. Congrats on losing 40 lbs!
  • Holy cow, Wonder Woman!! You will kill this weight loss thing, I just know it
  • omg I just died!
    in Sex? Comment by GalaxyBird November 2014
  • well that seriously sucks :( all that hard work - you deserve it!
    in Sex? Comment by GalaxyBird November 2014
  • These are some good ideas. We aren't much of runners, though, I have 2 bad knees and he has a bad ankle. We might try to work up to it when we are in a bit better shape. Any other suggestions?
  • Yoga Journal has a daily email where they send you a 15-20 minute yoga workout you can follow. It is different every day and they have an advanced and beginner level you can choose from.
  • PCOS really, really blows. And it means that we need make more of an effort than the average woman. but that also means that our victory will be that much sweeter!
  • I'm doing the exact same thing. I went through a breakup and lost 10 lbs and then started putting it back on again because I felt cocky (cocky even though I still needed to lose 80 more!). I am also blogging, we can follow each other: xo
  • I have a FitBit! I prefer to use MFP over that app, though, but would love someone to "compete" with. I'm a librarian so I have a desk job as well, so it would be nice :) I currently have one other friend on here and we are just aiming to do a basic 5,000 steps per day at the moment. Then we are going to bump up to 7,000,…
  • Fantastic. I know that it isn't easy starting out. I beat myself up about not being perfect when I start and re-start that I wind up failing. I have recently recommitted myself to just really giving it my all and giving up other aspects of my life in order to have the time to do so. It is a good trade as I want and NEED to…
  • Fantastic. I know that it isn't easy starting out. I beat myself up about not being perfect when I start and re-start that I wind up failing. I have recently recommitted myself to just really giving it my all and giving up other aspects of my life in order to have the time to do so. It is a good trade as I want and NEED to…
  • Definitely a Geek Chick here! Or as my bf calls me, The Nerd. I am a librarian with a love for super heroes, among other things :) Looking to lose around 80 lbs as well! Feel free to add me, anyone! I feel like there could be some seriously cool chicks in here :)
  • I was diagnosed in 2008 with PCOS/Insulin Resistance. I was 21 years old. The symptoms I had when I was diagnosed were massive weight gain (about 80 lbs, unexplained at the time), patches of discolored skin under my arms and on my knees, acne, and hairloss. I continued to have a regular period because I was on birth…
  • I really like the unsalted nuts you can get from Costco. Comes with cashews, pecans, almonds, pistachios, and brazil nuts. No peanuts and no salt - I don't even miss the salt. 1 serving is 1/4 of a cup - perfect for a snack!