Hi ladies, Looking for some friends who have PCOS who are looking to make serious changes. I have it and recently developed yet ANOTHER terrible symptom and enough is enough. I am going to completely re-work my eating, following a low-carb/low glycemic index diet and add in a lot more exercise. Who's with me?! Feel free to…
For those of you who have lost significant amounts of weight, I am wondering how it has affected your sex life, especially the act of having sex. I am just curious to see what has gotten better, worse, or changed.
Has anyone tried this program? I am not fit. Not in any way. But I love yoga and pilates I know can kick your butt (tried it a few times) i am wondering - for those who have tried it, have you noticed weight loss or have you noticed a difference in body tone or anything?
My boyfriend and I are looking to both make changes to our diet and nutrition. He lives in Canada, which is only 30 minutes from my house, but because of the border traffic and our work schedules, we usually only see each other on weekends. He doesn't need to lose any weight, but he is looking to build muscle and change…
I ran across this really great idea. It is called TLCs or "Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes". it was created by Dr. Roger Walsh. The TLCs are: Exercise Diet and Nutrition Time Spent in Nature Contribution and Service to the Community Relationships Recreation Relaxation and Stress Management and Religious and Spiritual…