Looking for friends with PCOS

Hi ladies,

Looking for some friends who have PCOS who are looking to make serious changes. I have it and recently developed yet ANOTHER terrible symptom and enough is enough. I am going to completely re-work my eating, following a low-carb/low glycemic index diet and add in a lot more exercise.

Who's with me?! Feel free to add me as a friend :)


  • Tryin2BSexy
    Tryin2BSexy Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in. Sent you a friend request.
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    I would love to be in too! I have struggled with weight all my life, then struggled with infertility, and now that i Have a beautiful baby the struggle to lose weight is even worse!! How much do you guys have to lose?
  • jeorwa
    jeorwa Posts: 92 Member
    Me! I'm adding you.
  • hmbutterfly
    hmbutterfly Posts: 2 Member
    Im adding you, this pcos is crazy. I have been struggling to even lose a pound and then BAM its back. .......
  • GalaxyBird
    GalaxyBird Posts: 24 Member
    PCOS really, really blows. And it means that we need make more of an effort than the average woman. but that also means that our victory will be that much sweeter!
  • getfitsara
    getfitsara Posts: 11
    In solidarity! POCS can be a major downer, that's why we have to lean on each other. YOU GOT THIS!
  • rubyred138
    rubyred138 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm with ya! sending a friend request too
  • lysser
    lysser Posts: 15 Member
    I think we can all agree.. PCOS sucks. I'm not trying low carb specifically, but more low GI and cutting out most refined sugars. Trying not to jump right into it, don't wanna scare myself back to junk food. Lol. I'll add ya :) anyone can feel free to add me too!
    Weight loss is so much harder for us, that darned insulin. :(
  • ishiqa36
    ishiqa36 Posts: 37 Member
    I also have PCOS. The struggle is insane. I also have thyroid problems. I did the whole 30 and whole 60 and it helped a lot. From there I eat almost all paleo but I reintroduced dairy (just greek yogurt and very little cheese), The no grains is what helped me insanely. There are a lot of low carb "junk foods"/snacks out there. Seaweed snacks, quest bars (not really junk food but it tastes awesome), kfc grilled chicken, buffalo wings (watch the sauce), tacos made with low carb tortillas(easy for high protein, load up with shrimp or whatever meat), sunflower seeds, nuts, cheese, cold cuts, pork rinds, protein shakes, etc.... my list is super long lol. I hoped that helped a little. I sent you friend request.
  • Pinkblondie234
    Pinkblondie234 Posts: 8 Member
    So nice to see this. I have PCOS and have fertility treatment so need to lose 2 stone to get to target weight!! x
  • slsmoot123
    slsmoot123 Posts: 98 Member
    Raises hand. I have PCOS! It is a struggle but its not impossible. Reaching out is the best thing you can do. I'm adding you.
  • DenaC3
    DenaC3 Posts: 22 Member
    I was diagnosed with it 12 years ago...hello cysters! This mess sucks...just plain sucks. And part of me is led to believe that all of this junk in our food now days is a major contributor to a lot of bad health effects and not just a contributor to obesity. But, we can do this!

    Feel free to add me ladies!
  • jacintacerni
    jacintacerni Posts: 2 Member
    Everyone please add me also :D
    Would love to know people who know how I'm feeling and what I'm experiencing
  • nagdha
    nagdha Posts: 30 Member
    I have Pcos too and my hair is thinning at an alarming rate. Pl add me.need to lose 30+ pounds
  • nagdha
    nagdha Posts: 30 Member
    Brighter side of pccos : gets period once every 3 months.
    I know its not healthy.but I enjoy the pad free days
  • LapineLass
    LapineLass Posts: 10 Member
    nagdha wrote: »
    I have Pcos too and my hair is thinning at an alarming rate. Pl add me.need to lose 30+ pounds

    Me too. It is frightening how much I lose each time I run a comb through!