Nuff said
In this Community section "Getting Started" you will see at the top a thread called" Helpful Posts". There is a tremendous amount of info here to help guide you. You will have to read and research to find your path and these threads are always there to refer back to when the need comes up. It's good to ask for help because…
We buy 100% arabica coffee...medium roast. (Dunkin donuts). We gradually reduced the amount of sugar and use half and half. It is an acquired taste but you can do it. Dark roast coffee is too bitter for us. Logging all the calories from sugar and coffee creamers, we realized the calories were better spent elsewhere. You…
I am 59. I only take an NSAID if my legs are restless, this does not happen very often if I am careful with my training. If they are sore I warm up and then gently stretch. I find that my joints and legs are painful and stiff if I have not taken my D3 and Ca supplements. (Without D3 supplementation I have an extremely low…
You will learn so much joining the eat train progress group. Personally I have to start very slowly and then work harder gradually. I am only using the bar right now for squats and bench. You are much younger so it won't take you that long. My husband has videos that explain proper form for squats etc. I know you can't…
Left over wine? What's that?
I started with 8500. Today I walked 4.12 miles. My misfit shine said I walked 10208 steps. I am aiming for 5 miles. I don't know that step count yet.
I make sure once a day I eat a big salad with lots of vegetables. Snow peas, green beans,tomatoes and at least three ounces of a lean protein. This for lunch keeps me from being hungry in the afternoon.
I am your size. 5.0 and 154 lbs. Yes my weight gets in the way. I can't jump plus I have a bad knee. I just keep going. Swimming has helped me get stronger. I combine that with walking.
Use the tab next to the meal. There is a down arrow. Click that and you have the option of all meals. Choose this and all of your foods will appear.
Also if you can get grouper it grills well. It's really good like that.
I use codfish in fish stew. Sauté onions carrots and garlic, add seafood stock, frozen corn and cubed potatos. When potatos are done add the fish. The fish cooks quickly in the hot broth. I will put a cup of milk in it at the end.
I am also in Frederick MD. We get to DC when the weather is nice!
Use eggs that are not fresh. Here is how I do it Cover eggs with at least an inch of cold water. Cover and bring to a boil As soon as they boil turn off or remove from heat Cover and let sit for 10 minutes Pour off hot water and rinse in cold water so you can handle them to peel them Peel while warm. Start at the large end…
Have you ever seen what a ruptured Achilles looks like? The tendon climbs up the calf towards the knee. It's very very painful. Listen to all of these fine folks. Get it checked. I am sorry you are injured. There will be other races to run.
Weight watchers has a recipe for a turkey meatloaf that uses it instead of breadcrumbs. Flavored With chili sauce and sage it's pretty good. At least my family likes it. I agree don't eat it alone, add flavor. I use stock to cook it for savory dishes.
My son torn his ACL in football. He too gained weight. Now..he finds the elliptical a good cardio workout that is not hard on his knee. Tip: do everything exactly the way your rehab people tell you and work on the exercises religiously. Your quads and calves will be weak. I am sorry for your injury but it is possible for…
Sometimes, if I haven't eaten enough thru the day I won't sleep. On those nights I have a pbj before bed with a glass of milk. Yum.....I agree you must measure it I spray my measuring spoon with a tiny bit of cooking spray...then the peanut butter comes right out.
You will find that sometimes the scale does not tell you that you are being successful. That's when you try on clothes, get out the tape measure or look at your exercise logs. You are right...thinking about but not eating that bag of Doritos and then NOT eating them is a huge NSV. Don't rely just on the scale look for…
I just bought Brooks Ravenna...I need a stability said these were neutral but they are very supportive where I need them.
- a good food scale and measuring cups for liquids. You would be amazed the difference it can make.
You will learn a tremendous amount from these links. The first one is great. Read, learn and do. Good luck to you.
Bump. Great ideas so far...thanks very much.
I have not purchased any. I don't think we will...this year.
This this and this!!! It will give you sooo much info. Read and learn. This is a process. You certainly can do it. It's not easy but you can do it. Good luck.
I am so sorry for you and your family. Take time to grieve and take care of yourself. If you need us to be here for the process we are. If you need time we will be here when you are ready. Either way it will be ok. Hugs....
If you are just doing body weight, turn your toes out, and if you can wiggle your toes your heels will stay down. A trainer had me place a board under my toes at first.
After piercing your finger, allow a few seconds and massage your finger from the palm up towards the milking a cow. If you only squeeze the tip the capillaries will constrict and blood flow will be inhibited. Use Several fingers to squeeze your finger gradually towards the tip. This is how we used to draw…
Make your own. A vinegrette made with olive oil can be made and then portioned. You can use balsamic vinegar or any vinegar. I also like olive oil, lemon juice salt and pepper. If you like creamy dressings go to the skinny taste website. As I said...make your own. It's real easy if you have a blender, but not necessary.
Go to the message board "getting started". There is a topic called " a guide to get you started on your path to sexy pants." It's one of, if not the best references here. It contains many links to information. Here is where you will find explanations of macronutrients or " macros". Good luck!