

  • What you experiencing is hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. If you hadn't eaten before your workout and you workout first thing in the morning your blood sugar is already low upon waking add the additional sugar burned during the workout and you may be flirting with dangerously low bsl. Symptoms include headaches, dizziness,…
  • Definitely take a close look at your diet. Its not simply losing weight that causes hair loss. Often its the restriction of fats that can cause hair loss, weakness of nails and a few other "complications".
  • Chocolate triggers the release of seratonin (Dark mostly, but milk chocolate to a lesser extent). The same chemical released after orgasm interestingly enough.
  • Dont be discouraged. Using wieght as a benchmark can often be frustrating, especially for women. Simple changes in hormones can cause weight (water retention mostly) to fluctuate daily. Try using other measurments, ie. your dress sizes, your neck, your hips, your arms as benchmarks, and stop checking them weekly. Bi-weekly…
    in WTH??? Comment by ksdamac99 May 2011
  • As mentioned by previous posters it depends on what you are doing. An hour (split into 2 sessions) of cardiovascular work 5x a week combined with 30 minutes of moderate strength training 3-4 days a week is not a problem in terms of overtraining. If you are engaging in heavy training or training to muscle failure, then that…