Work out 3 times a day 5 days a week

XxXstars9967XxX Posts: 646
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
is it to much?


  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    Well that depends on what kind ur doing and for how long....don't strain yourself you could hurt yourself and eat those calories to give you the energy to work out :)
  • carlfry
    carlfry Posts: 62
    It depends on how long you're working out. I have a 3 year old so sometimes I workout twice 20 minutes each (cardio). He just gets in the way sometimes! If you're doing over 30 minutes 3 times a day, that seems excessive. After 60 minutes, your body starts to eat muscle (so I have read).
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I guess it depends on how long each session is.

    From everything I've read, one hour a day is sufficient. After that point, muscles become fatigued and it can actually lead to injury. You don't want to push your body too hard or you can end up with serious injuries. Your body needs to rest in order to repair itself.
  • drasr
    drasr Posts: 181
    If you mean 'too' much, fill in with the details.
  • hllamaster
    hllamaster Posts: 137 Member
    well I know some college kids that are in sports where they go to school and they do 3 a day...myself I try and get two a day a couple times a you calorie intake....of course I'm not a real good one to talk about eating right
  • it's 3 30 minute workouts everyday consisting of push-ups running, crunch's, floor leg lifts and zumba cardio party
  • the zumba is an hour but i only do that once a day
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Well if you break up your sessions I think it's actually better.

    For example total work out 60 minutes :

    30 minutes cardio morning
    15 minutes strength training afternoon
    15 minutes of circuit training afternoon.

    As oppose to 60 minutes straight.
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    Based on what you just said right there I don't think you are over doing it. Just make sure you are supplementing your body with what it needs to function like that. In my opinion it is nothing different than what I used to do in basics and we came out just fine. I think the only thing you have to watch is if you are doing HEAVY lifting that much, but to do body weight exercises and calisthenics like that I don't see it being bad.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Depends what you are doing. If 2 of the three workouts are just walks then no problem. Likewise, you could do a DVD and a class and a walk without problem too. Do an hour of circuits 3 times a day and you'd burn out in .... about a day.
  • allegram
    allegram Posts: 117
    If some of it is resistance I don't think you ought to worry. If you were doing 90+ minutes of purely cardiovascular, you would run a risk of injury. Since you're working out so frequently, just pay special attention to how you're feeling.
  • ksdamac99
    ksdamac99 Posts: 5
    As mentioned by previous posters it depends on what you are doing. An hour (split into 2 sessions) of cardiovascular work 5x a week combined with 30 minutes of moderate strength training 3-4 days a week is not a problem in terms of overtraining. If you are engaging in heavy training or training to muscle failure, then that type of schedule could certainly lead to over-training. I've been training men and women for over 20 years and that particular training schedule works wonders for those looking to get more fit. Work hard, but more importantly, work smart!
  • I already posted what i was doing.........
  • Shrek55
    Shrek55 Posts: 14
    Listen to your body. Based on the college athletes mentioned below (very good info), if you supplement and stay injury free you will be fine. Make sure you eat well and most importantly get your sleep! Supplements should include lean protein and vitamins.

    Everyone working out should be taking these. Our current diets lack the nutrients to supply our huge caloric demands based on our output. Keep fit.
  • drasr
    drasr Posts: 181
    It doesn't seem excessive but you can do 2 forty five minutes session, first one aerobic and the second resistance/strength training.
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