

  • Super story! I was surprised at how many calories were in my Weight Watcher weekly track! No wonder I wasn't losing weight! Nevermind, I am here now and will lose this last 20 pounds and seeing the calories you actual eat really does make a difference. Go you! enjoy your skinny self.
  • Mashed cauliflower is NOT mashed potatoes, true, but it is a lower calorie version of a mash you can serve as a side or as a meal - I will use this for a side with my pork tenderloin dish. The trick is to boil (not steam) the cauliflower well and drain well before mashing. In the UK, we have jellied stock cubes that really…
  • Hi I am doing this for me! I am a Chicagoan that moved to England 19 years ago. This is my 2nd week with MFP and I am really enjoying it and lost 3 pounds so far. I have been on Weight Watchers for 4 years, maintenance for years and as I hit my 40's fighting off the new weight. I totalled up my WW Points in calories and…
  • Light Cream Cheese and black pepper - very filling and darn tasty!
  • Hampshire, England
  • I added 2 recipes to the database (ticked "yes") and still can't find it. I can see it under my Food area - Any ideas?
  • TURKEY CHILLI served in a Mama Lupe lo carb wrap! yum!
  • Hi Wow 63 pounds gone! how inspirational. I love popcorn and treat myself to a tiny bag of Marks and Spencers (UK) 88 cal popcorn. I am going to try microwaving popcorn now, just need to find an alternative for the US brown paper bag.
  • Fat-free cheese??? I wish, where do you live, not in the UK that's for sure... is it good? does it melt?
  • FAT PHOTO Hi I have my 'fat photo' taped up in the kitchen - a reminder of how I do NOT want to be any more. The photo captures how blah I felt with the weight on - very motivating. Create some new recipes - easy to do with the MTP tool. You have done 100 days, go for 300 !! How's that? Janice
  • Hi I have done WW for 4 years and enjoyed it. I like to cook, so I was happy to make all the tasty WW recipes. My husband wants to shed some weight and I said I would join him counting calories as he was not keen on going the whole WW route. To be honest, we are using most of my WW recipes as they are low to medium…