Anyone here been on WW or something similar?

Hey everyone!
I'm Stevie, I'm from Adelaide, South Australia.
A couple of months ago I parted ways with Weight Watchers after losing 14kg with them. I hit a massive plateau after my inspirational leader left and was replaced with one I didn't connect well with. I have managed to maintain my weight loss over the Xmas/NY period, but now I'm keen to shed my final five to eight kilos. I'm happy to do it slowly, as long as it happens! I struggle with an addiction to chocolate!


  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    In the past I have done both Slimming World and Weight Watchers. Found the Slimming World eating plan was incredibly hard to incorporate into family life, but WW made much more sense. I don't go to a group any more, but we regularly use WW recipes as they are 'real' food, but cooked in a more healthy way.
  • mrsnecincy
    mrsnecincy Posts: 115 Member
    Hi. I'm very familiar with WW and whilst it's never worked for me I do like the recipies. A lot of the food is on here. You've come a long way. You can do this on your own, you'll still have the program material and recipies. Hold on to the positives you got from the origional leader. You can easily shift the rest using MFP and instead of meetings use the support of other members here. Best of luck!
  • beadybliss

    I have done WW for 4 years and enjoyed it. I like to cook, so I was happy to make all the tasty WW recipes. My husband wants to shed some weight and I said I would join him counting calories as he was not keen on going the whole WW route. To be honest, we are using most of my WW recipes as they are low to medium calorie. I welcome the change as I still have 20 pounds to get rid of.

    I can recommend WW, healthy food, nice recipes - the meetings are very motivating and the website is superb (voted one of the best in the USA a few years ago).