greensgirl Member


  • We love this!
  • I hear you:-) Have you seen SNL's "Mom Jeans" skit? That always makes me laugh!! :laugh: But, really I wouldn't make fun of someone because of mom always makes a comeback.:laugh:
  • Thanks! We will give this a try. My whole family loves butter chicken! And, it certainly is great for lower calories!
  • You look stunning!! Thank you for sharing your story!!:-)
  • You look wonderful!!! You have done an amazing job!! Thanks for sharing!!
  • I'm on week 4 as well. As others have said, the best advice I was told was to slow down. It's about building endurance. That has helped me a lot! And, some days are just easier than others. :-) Keep it up, repeat as necessary, and good job!!
  • My whole family (three kiddos) love a green smoothie. I keep it simple: bunch of spinach, water, frozen blueberries, fresh lemon juice, frozen banana, and a little plain yogurt. I blend the greens and water first really good, then add the other and blend away. Personally, I think citrus (lemons, limes, or oranges)…
  • Indian - butter chicken, Middle Eastern - falafel and hummus, Thai- Pad thai, Tom Ka Kai soup, Peru - Peruvian chicken Japan - sushi, those are some of our family favorites. And, these are the ones I make all the time. Some foods I love, but seem too hard to make at home:laugh:
  • Same as others here. Park far out(still having to remind myself of this, trying to find a close spot is so ingrained in me), go strolling through the mall or run errands, clean the house, get an extra walk in, and "unlearn everything about being efficient" :-) I found out how sedentary I was after I got my fitbit. It's…
  • Wow! You look so amazing! You looked like you've gained years and health back! It's so beautiful to see how much a person can change! Thank you for your inspiration:smile:
  • What an amazing job you have done this last year!! You look wonderful!
  • Scott and BBC!
  • Hello, My name is Lisa and I am 43 years old. I lost 45 pounds 6 years ago with Weight Watchers and walking every morning. I have since gained it back plus ten. This January I started re-organizing my life to spend more time working on getting healthy. A week into cutting back on commitments, I ended up in the hospital for…
  • Amazon and several other web sites sell them. I'm not sure if they have them in the health food stores yet. My aunt who owns a nutritional company is having people try them out to see what we think. They come in every pasta shape, which is great for whatever dish you want to make that would normally take pasta. They are…
  • I just had a GREAT noodle alternative tonight. They are called Miracle noodles, or Konjac noodles. You can look them up on the web. They have many benefits and are made from a plant fiber. They take on the taste of whatever you cook them with. I made spaghetti tonight with them and they reminded me of top ramen. The…
  • I've been trying all kinds of smoothies. They are so refreshing and full of fruits and veggies. Here are a couple. 1 cup orange juice, 1/2 frozen banana, handful of frozen cranberries and a big handful of spinach. Add the spinach after blending the other a little. It is so delicious and you can't even taste the spinach.…
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I went walking fitness preferences are walking, jogging, yoga, weights, and my hubby wants me to kickbox (I think he had fun picking out the gear) A year ago I was working out regularly and was keeping at my goal...and then after I lost my best-friend, I quit. So I want to get…
  • Hello there. I'm looking forward to losing with everyone here!