

  • Oh! Neat! Thanks for the link!
  • This may be a little off-topic but I hope you find it useful anyways. I used to do the run/walk plan and I would just kill myself! I could barely walk the next day after 45 minutes of that! The BEST thing I did for my running was to take a gym class 2 days/week that does a lot of squats. I was having knee pain and general…
  • Oh! I have this problem, too! I'm still working out a plan for dealing with it, but for now I do this: If I'm under my calories for the week, I give myself a little wiggle room. If you're familiar with weight watchers, that's like your flex points or whatever. It's LONG-TERM in and out, so you can go over a bit on the…
  • Good for you for making changes for the better and even better for you for asking for help! I'm no long-term pro at this but I'm a few weeks further into it than you are, so I was JUST there. First, don't be so hard on yourself. You're making a huge adjustment and your body is like "WTF?" If you slip up, just get back on…
  • I was having this problem after being on MFP for about 2 weeks. Couldn't sleep, didn't want to eat, could barely get through exercise, constantly nauseous. I actually thought I might have been pregnant. I finally went to the doctor it was so bad (I don't have insurance!) and he told me that my stomach is adjusting to the…
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