colesearr Member


  • Christina Auguleria - Fighter! They played that once in a spin class, and it was so motivating and perfect!
  • Honestly, and this sounds cheesy, but until you do get further along in your weight loss, I would suggest some new clothes. Look up some things on line about your body type and really dress to flatter it. I know I feel terrible about myself when I'm just wearing whatever highlights what I think are my problem areas- even…
  • Oh my god - we just had caps as burgers the other day and vowed to buy them more and try new stuff. I love this!
  • Welcome! My mother has been on and off WW pretty much my entire life, so I'm familiar with how much it changes and how frustrating it gets. I like the simplicity of this site, and especially that it has an app for my phone! Hope it works out for you!
    in NKOTB Comment by colesearr July 2011
  • Same here! If I could just get over those times where I close my eyes and hope the calories will count themselves in a constructive way, I think I'd be a lot more successful! Sounds like you have a goal, which always helps! I tend to eat breakfast and lunch, and then "earn" more dinner calories with a good workout in the…
  • My heart goes out to you and all you've been through!! I know it's extremely tough to stay focused when your focus is truly on others before you. It's so easy to lose yourself in times like these. I would take it slow, and if it's still a very hard time for you right now with your schedule and supporting others, I wouldn't…