Have been off due to moms death, now brother leukemia.

Have had moms massive stroke , then her death, so called me back home to kansas. Next comes some health issues with me and degenerative disc in my back. waiting to get mri to see how much changed since 10years from previous mri. next dealling with new found news that brother only year older than me been diagnosed with leukemia , early stages. But while we wait for next appt. I need to take care of me. Have let my body slack , trying to take care of everybody else. But have only lost five pounds. But now have started the topiramate, with the phetermine, the two together is to help me lose weight since my limit on physical exercise can damage what little disc and cartliage i have left.
I plan to go to rec center if the guys don't get my pool up soon. to do what exercise i can there. Our work has slowed down immensely. so have time to get things done.
We have been eating healthier.. But also have been stressed with family and illness and all. doesn't help. Hope i can check in daily here on out now.
People i need some type of support here.


  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    hi... sorry to hear about your loss and the numerous challenges that you are facing. I hope things turn around soon. Feel free to add me!
  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    i am so sorry for everything you are going through. i really hope things work out soon.
    feel free to add me if you like. i will support youn and listen if you need someone.
  • celestedavis
    celestedavis Posts: 37 Member
    Feel free to add me to your friends list, I will be praying for comfort, wisdom and strength!
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    Sorry about your mom and brother- I have been through many deaths in my family, and I know what it's like- so hard. Stay strong and take care of yourself! Feel free to add me too... sending positive vibes...
  • colesearr
    colesearr Posts: 7 Member
    My heart goes out to you and all you've been through!! I know it's extremely tough to stay focused when your focus is truly on others before you. It's so easy to lose yourself in times like these.

    I would take it slow, and if it's still a very hard time for you right now with your schedule and supporting others, I wouldn't be too hard on yourself with calories and things. Make smart choices- I mean, don't start chowing down ho-hos from the hospital vending machine out of stress- but what I DEFINITELY would do is... EXERCISE. Make time for yourself to do it, and make it your de-stress and "me time." Let all your emotions go into your workout and your endorphins will rush in to thank you!