Just joined myfitnesspal

I've just joined myfitnesspal and OMG is it amazing! I find it so user friendly and it really makes me concious of the food I am putting in my body. Holiday is only 4 weeks away and I'm looking to lose 8lbs - it may be a bit ambitious but hopefully I will get there and be bikini ready come August. :)


  • vivapuff
    vivapuff Posts: 4
    Good luck! Most importantly....stick with it! I've been coming and going on here for a month now :)
  • colesearr
    colesearr Posts: 7 Member
    Same here! If I could just get over those times where I close my eyes and hope the calories will count themselves in a constructive way, I think I'd be a lot more successful!

    Sounds like you have a goal, which always helps! I tend to eat breakfast and lunch, and then "earn" more dinner calories with a good workout in the afternoon. But like I said, I haven't been consistent yet, so I wish you the power of persistence!