

  • Thank you very much for this you have no idea how much this has helped me. I have copied and pasted your list of questions into word and just wrote in my own answers. It was like a light bulb moment, and gave me clarity. It made me think about how I feel after I over eat but without overeating first. I will read my answers…
  • They are great! The portions are all done for you and they are relatively low calorie. You get a selection of 4. I have one a day. Enjoy.
  • Just google it. That's what I do. I have a word document on my computer with a calories table on it. Name of food and amount of calories. That way you won't have to look it up every time you have something, if you have put it in your table beforehand that is.
  • It will be stalling your progress quite a bit. That is my problem too, in the day when I'm at work I don't even think about food, but once I get home, and sit down I start craving things like pringles. What I am doing to stop this is to swap the pringles for raisins, I have a small box of raisins when the cravings get too…