ramandagetsfit Member


  • Hi, my name is Amanda. I have not been diagnosed with BED, but I do have some tendencies of BED. I have been struggling with my weight for the last 6 years, but these past two years my weight has gotten out of control and I gained around 80lbs over the course of two years. I found myself turning to food during stressful…
  • Hi I am doing the Hcg nasal spray I have lost about 10 lbs so far in about 2 weeks but that also included a few cheat meals around thanks giving. This week I have been doing great! I plan on doing 8 weeks for my first round- then a 3 week maintained,- then I think a four week round will get me to my final goal. Here are my…
  • I just recalculated using the lowest activity level and added 200 as you suggested and it put me at 2108 which is pretty close to what I originally had. I also assume that even though I am not sweating (Unless you count the 20 minutes outside in 95 degree temps for recess everyday) or out of breath that walking/ being on…
  • I separate M&M's and skittles by the color. Then I either eat them in rainbow order or from the color the has the least to the color that has the most.... I hate hate hate the texture of Jello... eww... the way you can mush it through your teeth.... Some guy bought me a jello shot for my 21st b-day.... I almost puked....
  • I was going to say the same thing about Aldi. They just built one really close to us so it is really nice. We have also been getting coupons in the mail from them for $5 off a thirty dollar purchase.... you may be able to find a similar one one their website but I am not sure.
  • Hi, I will hopefully be buying my first pole in the next couple of months. What kind did you go for?
  • Hi feel free to add me. My goal is to lose around 40 lbs
  • Hi. Feel free to add me.