Childish Food Habits



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Mayo is disgusting and it ruins everything it touches. It adds no flavor to anything. It's just slime. 'Oh, this sandwich isn't slimy enough for you? Let's put some mayo on it!' No . . . let's not. Every creamy sauce that is made with mayo is fail.

    Oh yeah, how could I forget the evilness also known as mayonnaise? The #1, top of the list, item that people try to feed you without letting you know it's there. Every year, throw out at least $50 worth of food that someone added mayo to without asking or listing it on the ingredients. If I had $5 for every time I heard, "Well everyone loves mayo." I could pay off my debts.

    Once, I ordered a fast food hamburger without mayo from Carl's Jr. drive thru. I bit into it and discovered the asshats had put at least a 1/4 cup blob of mayo in there. I almost crashed trying to get it out of my mouth and car. Bad, bad, people.


    People have weird visceral reactions when I tell them I don't like mayo- it's like I pulled out a snake and they have to recoil from the hissing serpent.

    "WHAaaaa" they gasp.

    How can you not like mayo?!?!?!?!

    um. because it's suspended fat- in jello- with no sugar- or anything. it's digusting- it tastes like buttmucus. I don't even know what tha tis- but I'm sure it tastes like mayo. seriously.

    I can't- I hate it. I can tolerate it in the tinest amounts like saying holding tuna together- but there had best be so much other stuff in my tuna wrap that all I can taste is lettue- tuna onion- a hint of tuna and a big fat wrap. Seriously- mayo- gross- I have aboslutely orderd commerically produced tuna- and thrown it out since it tastes like mayo. If tuna looks pasty and white- I'm not eating it.

    Forget it on burgers- worst thing ever- white sauce on meat.

    I can't. I just. I CAN"T PEOPLE I CAN"T!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    At least you admit it is a childish food prejudice. I find that being hungry in a third world country cures most food prejudices. If you don't want to eat it someone else is happy too and you just have to go hungry. i fully admit that had i had been really starving i would have happily eaten steak and kidney pie. However with a belly full of hard cider and mushy peas i got a whiff of the kidney before the first bite and i completely balked. i shall keep it on my bucket list. i will just make sure to go a good 12 hours without eating to "encourage" me
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    Well I am recovering from anorexia so I have weird food habits galore....and I've had a disorder since I was 6 years old and was raised by an anorexic mom. Didn't even know my behaviors were weird till I went to college.

    If things are different colors I eat by color.

    After I toast things I seal them in plastic bags.

    I don't like using silverware and eat most things with fingers.

    I tear/cut things to small sizes

    I won't eat the banana nipples as I call them (the ends)

    I won't bite into fruit, have to cut it.

    I will eat part of my meal and leave other part in the other room and walk to it to eat it.

    I pull sandwiches apart and eat them piece by piece. Like protein, then veg, then bread.

    And I'm sure I have others I am not even aware of lol
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    I like to dip my Dinosaur chicken nuggets in honey, and pretend they're stuck in a tar pit.


    +1..... Still giggling at this!
  • ZakiJaye
    ZakiJaye Posts: 24 Member
    I don't mind the taste of onion but hate the texture and if there are big bits of Onion in something I still pick them out like when I was a little kid and feel a little bit foolish, If we have anything with onion in it even if my partner is doing the cooking I will chop the onion because I have become an expert at chopping onion fine enough that I cant see it.

    My real food phobia though is Baked Beans there is nothing good about them the textue taste and smell just makes me feel a bit sick, I don't even like it when someone else eats them, they are evil!

    I feel a bit silly that I am fussy about these things but considering when I was a kid I wouldn't eat anything that was even slightly squishy (my poor Mum had a terrible time trying to get me to eat anything that wasn't cheese sandwiches) I do quite well.
  • ramandagetsfit
    ramandagetsfit Posts: 14 Member
    I separate M&M's and skittles by the color. Then I either eat them in rainbow order or from the color the has the least to the color that has the most....

    I hate hate hate the texture of Jello... eww... the way you can mush it through your teeth.... Some guy bought me a jello shot for my 21st b-day.... I almost puked....
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I like to mix all my food together when I eat it. Naturally, most dinners at my house are one-dish style meals - stir fry, casseroles, salads, etc. I am a very slow eater, thorough chewer, and always the last one finished. Sometimes I catch myself dancing a little and/or humming when I'm eating something particularly delightful. :bigsmile:
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I'm the same way with tomatoes! I love to eat them by themselves, or just a tomato sandwich. But put them on a sandwich with anything else or in a salad, forget it. I will take them off or fish them out and eat them separate. Drives my husband crazy when I will order a sandwich with tomato and then pick it off!
    My brother, who is a huge foodie, has trouble only with raw tomato. He says they look too embryonic when cut open.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,028 Member
    I like to dip my Dinosaur chicken nuggets in honey, and pretend they're stuck in a tar pit.

    I think I love you.
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member


    People have weird visceral reactions when I tell them I don't like mayo- it's like I pulled out a snake and they have to recoil from the hissing serpent.

    "WHAaaaa" they gasp.

    How can you not like mayo?!?!?!?!

    um. because it's suspended fat- in jello- with no sugar- or anything. it's digusting- it tastes like buttmucus. I don't even know what tha tis- but I'm sure it tastes like mayo. seriously.

    I can't. I just. I CAN"T PEOPLE I CAN"T!

    buttmucus. What a visual.

    I usually think runny snot when I see someone gleefully slathering mayo on a sandwich. Like their mouth is watering to take the first bite.

    <shivers> <gag>
  • all the answers here are really tame. i do not particularly play with my food but childish habits might be: i eat cornflakes w/ soymilk/cinnamon/fruit a lot due to veganism. it's easy and healthy. + i don't like cake, cream, alcohol, and caffeine. i think this is a good thing... & mayo is disgusting lol i hear u on that one...
  • decisiongo
    decisiongo Posts: 1 Member
    I am not a huge fan of yogurt, its honestly just such a weird texture and sort of bland. I mix wheat germ into it for added flavor and texture.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I eat small foods in pairs (two yellow Skittles, two gummy fruits, two grapes, two cherry tomatoes, two blueberries, two almonds...), so am pretty particular about only eating these items in even numbers. It drove my parents crazy. My brother and I used to pair up the candy in our Easter & Halloween baskets and trade to even them out.
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    I Like miracle whip, but it has too be only a very thin film. Regular mayo, okay, but a minimal amount. Just enough to moisten the bread.

    If I take a bite of pizza and tomato sauce comes oozing out anywhere...I'm done.

    I'm sorry, but if something is cooked with onion in it, it totally permeates the dish. No. Way.
  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    I've outgrown some of my food habits (eating foods one at a time, not touching) but texture issues are forever.

    Mushrooms: no
    Olives: no
    Water chestnuts: why??
    Shellfish: hell to the no (yet I love clam chowder)
    Onions: actually, I'm coming around to onions. They make stuff taste better.
  • Karababy51
    Karababy51 Posts: 124 Member
    I loathe raw onions. Unless they're chopped up small in something like salsa. I like them grilled though and I love onion rings. BUT, if I bite into one and haven't bitten through completely so that the onion ends up slithering out of the crust like a tapeworm, I'm done.

    The only raw tomatoes I like are grape tomatoes in a salad. Period. I love cooked tomatoes in sauces though.

    Can't stand the mushy texture of most beans, especially lima beans. I love Mexican food, but always request no refried beans. *cringe* However, I've recently been able to tolerate kidney beans in chili. I used to pick them out of my bowl, but I eat them now.

    I always eat my food evenly, a bite of each thing on my plate, round and round until it's all gone.

    I don't like plain mayonnaise on anything either. However, I will tolerate it mixed in with other ingredients for dips or tuna salad. But there can't be so much in it that I can taste the mayo. I will not eat Miracle Whip under ANY circumstances though. Bleh...

    I can't stand overcooked red meat. When my in-laws were alive, they owned a Dairy Queen. Whenever we'd go there for a meal, I had to request my Father-in-law leave a little 'moo' in my burger. He was the type that thought it was unsafe to eat hamburger unless it was cooked to death, but he'd do it just for me.

    I MUST have butter on my sandwiches.

    I love peaches, but I can't bite into a raw one, it has to be peeled and sliced first. The texture of the fuzzy skin on my teeth and tongue gives me the willies. Makes me think about what it must be like to eat a fuzzy caterpillar. *shivers*

    I'm sure there's more, but I'll stop now. :smile:
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I'm such an unquirky bore!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Oh, I just thought of a quirk! When I'm eating a plate of food, I make all efforts to keep each item on the plate from touching each other (but will allow a little cross over), and then when I load the fork I load it with a little of each item. I love the way different favors and textures come together in one perfect bite, but don't like it when they get all mushed up together on the plate.
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    I can't eat mushrooms because I'm worried they're poisonous. And I don't like the texture. I'm a big texture person, if I don't like the texture of the food I won't eat it. Same goes for coconut.
    I'm a texture person too. I cannot get over the slime of mushrooms and I hate mushy vegetables. The day I discovered I could roast my veggies in the toaster was a glorious one.
    I hate soupy oatmeal and soupy cereal. I don't know why.
    I hate fat in my meat of any kind, and if I happen to take a bite I will inevitably have to spit it out, blech.
    I don't like mayo on its own, but I can tolerate it in tuna, chicken salad etc.
    Most seafood grosses me out, so sushi is out for me, because it's a double whammy.
    I will refrain from adding more for fear of sounding obsessive.
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    I cannot eat cheese that isn't "cooked" like on pizza. I will eat cheese on a sandwich but never ever do I cut a chunk of cheese and eat it...never. I hate veggies that are soft and have to force myself to eat green foods (like green beans).

    I have a cousin that can't eat leftovers, even if you make something in the afternoon for lunch, she won't eat it later in the day. If you touch her glass she won't drink from it. It's great when she brings out a beer and you're too lazy to get up, you just have to touch hers and it's yours.
    I wish I didn't like cheese, omg! I ❤️Cheese.