helgamaria1 Member


  • I agree you should focus on overcoming the fear of exercising In public, it's such a joy and motivation to be around other peolpe who are working towards their goal just like you , and remember if your hubby is giving you a hard time, it isn't about how many times you slip and fall but rather to keep getting back up and…
  • thank her for being honest and not giving you a false excuse for not wanting to go further with your relationship. This also means you can work on the things that are maybe holding you back in your personal life. It's all good that beauty comes from within and what matters the most is how we treat the people around us but…
  • I can feel your pain , there is nothing as frustrating as doing everything right and having no results!!!! I had a similar problem and now I´ve figured out that I loose weight when I eat around 1500 calories and work out almost every day. Thats the only thing working for me, when I ate 1200 nothing happened ( I don´t have…
  • what you need to start with is some TLC towards yourself. You are the only one who can make the choices for yourself and if you want to get healthier it has to be for you because you are great and worth putting some effort in. Respect yourself and the rest will follow I believe :-) Good luck!
  • I have been trying the same method I used when quitting smoking, that is I wait, I wait 5 minutes and see if I forget about it, most of the time I do and if the craving pops up again an hour later I wait again and tell myself if I´m still dying for something in 5 minutes I'll figure it out then, very often the craving…
  • woaw..I just think you're a hero for keeping up with your current schedule and I really don't think you should feel guilty for not fitting in a 45 minute workout with all you have on your plate already. But if you do some good workout saturday and sunday you could try to find 1 day a week where you squeeze in a 20 minute…
  • I travel through international airports many times a month and the one thing I can always rely on when I´m looking for a healthy meal in an airport with not to many calories is sushi. Try to eat at meal times though, not just because you're on a plane and the flight attendants are bringing food. Depending on the length of…
  • Check your portion size, a BIG bowl of kellog's special K can go up in calories really quickly ( 4-500) But don't give up sometimes it's just a question of tweaking something really little, like switching to protein for breakfast!
  • i think it's like with ice cream , it's not enough to put flavoured cream in the freezer, you need the stirring to get it to be light and fluffy and not just a big block of frozen stuff!