Chubby, skinny , fat, chubby, skinny, then Fat again.

Hello , my soon to be friends and supporters (hopefully) I have been struggling with weight since I was fourth grade! When my breasts started to grow, so did my weight! I think I tried to hide behind food when my body started to develop! And unfortunately, I still am! I am tired of pills, and fad diets. I don't want to be the "fat" friend anymore. I am tired of being unhappy with how my clothes fit, and also tired of blaming my weight on why I can't seem to meet any decent men. The Point is, I have had enough. And I hope this site will help me to change how I feel in the inside so that it can finally help me change the outside permanently. I know you all have been through the same predicaments as I have. I am nothing special. But I believe, I have reached the point, where I am DONE feeling like crap all the time, second guessing myself, and blaming EVERYTHING on being overweight. Let's do it together! Thanks guys!


  • helgamaria1
    helgamaria1 Posts: 10 Member
    what you need to start with is some TLC towards yourself. You are the only one who can make the choices for yourself and if you want to get healthier it has to be for you because you are great and worth putting some effort in. Respect yourself and the rest will follow I believe :-) Good luck!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Everyone is special. NOT feeling like crap is a specialty in itself. I'm chock full of confidence with plenty to spare and share. Feel free to add me if you like motivation in the form of adorably vulgar entertainment :bigsmile:
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    You know why people gain and lose weight and gain it back then lose it. It's because it's a "temporary motivation" not a habit/lfe style. You need to find pleasure in making the right health choices.

    p.s. there are a lot of guys out there who like big women.

    I am going to add you as a friend, i am new here too. and the crazy guy, that gif image is just too funny.
  • wendywonderland
  • amzywamzy
    amzywamzy Posts: 11
    yeap same problem as you too!

    and that's about to change! let's support each other. :)
  • wendywonderland
    Thanks guys~ I am feeling the love already! I actually didn't realize how kind of sad this blog was. I was just stating what's on my mind. Now that I stepped back and look at the big picture, I think I am finding out what I need to work on!